chapter 224: I feel skitty!

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I want to thank Ghostzaiko for helping me write this chapter

We now see some our heroes training for the next pokemon contest, this included may, jacob, jessie, kris, Courtney and jasmine, the others were watching them, jacob was also able to catch nine of these guys

We now see some our heroes training for the next pokemon contest, this included may, jacob, jessie, kris, Courtney and jasmine, the others were watching them, jacob was also able to catch nine of these guys

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Spinda: male

Jacob: alright budew, you're getting better and better everyday.


Jacob: what about you guys, how's the training going with your pokemon.

May:my beautifly is in its top shape as it can be!

Jacob: Good this time you'll be able to show Drew what you can really do.

May:Yeah for sure!!

She then tossed up a frisbee as Beautifly used Gust to blow it back to her hand as she caught it

May: Yes! We did it!

Jacob: impressive.

Budew: go mommy!

Brock: A lot better, May!

May: Thanks! You're all the very first to see the next Contest winner! (Tossed her frisbee)

Jacob: Let's not get too cocky, there are a lot of strong coordinators for this contest, plus people will like seeing me use a different pokemon this time around.

may:Hehe yeah.

Jacob: What about you, Jessie, you're using dustox this time.

Jessie:Dustox is getting used to making a lot of combo moves or effects!

Jacob: nice.

May then caught the frisbee again

May: Yeah! One more time! (tosses the frisbee)

She accidentally threw the frisbee too far

Jacob: And there it goes.

May: Ooops.

May: Would ya mind gettin' it for me, Torchic?

Torchic nodded as he ran after the frisbee

Torchic runs after the Frisbee but began running too fast down a hill screaming

May: Uh.... Torchic? (runs after)

Jacob: wait up may.

Torchic then ends up running straight into a rock, it gets off and begins to look for the frisbee

It was about to pick up the Frisbee till it heard something whimpering in the grass

Our heroes than ran down the hill as well and found the frisbee

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