chapter 204: Win, Lose or Drew part 3!

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I want to thank JackDroid and Ghostzaiko for helping me write this chapter

Vivian:Alright semi final battles between Drew vs Jacob Will begin shortly!

Both drew and Jacob are now across each other

Drew:Lets see If you're a prepared pokeboy.

Jacob: Bring it on mossboy, you messed with the wrong guy.

vivian:Well both contestants are rearing to go! Alright Let this Match begin!

Both of the guys sending out their pokemon


Both Pokémon got on stage

Drew:Bring It On pokeboy!!

Jacob: You know what Drew all this time I was holding back, but now (eyes glowing blue) I'm done holding back.

Jacob's house


Arceus:Honey! You must calm down before you break anything more!

Jacob's teammates were watching on the screen

Jessie:Alright let's go! Let's go!*cheering for jacob

Meowth is now back in his cheerleading outfit

Meowth:Finally! I can wear this now!*takes out two turquoise pom poms*GO jacob Go jacob!

On stage

Drew:Alright Roselia Let's begin with some petal dance!

Roselia launched a petal dance at jacob

Jacob: let's heat things up, bluey use fire spun!

Bluey opened his mouth and a spiraling red-orange flame is released at roselia from his mouth

Bluey opened his mouth and a spiraling red-orange flame is released at roselia from his mouth

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The flames completely incinerated the petals

Drew:Alright quickly dodge it!

Jacob: sucker punch now!

Bluey ran around roselia at high speed as he suddenly head butted her causing drew to lose points

Drew:Let's shake this off! now use a magical leaf and send them around!

Roselia launch dozens of magical leafs at bluey

Jacob: shield yourself with muddy water!

Bluey released spiraling brown water from his body which acted like a shield against the magical leafs

Bluey released spiraling brown water from his body which acted like a shield against the magical leafs

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