chapter 246: jacob vs norman A man in pursuit of power

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I want to thank JackDroid and Ghostzaiko for helping me write this chapter

Jacob was now doing some last minute training with heracross, mawile, trapinch, combusken and octillery. Budew decided to join as well

Jacob: this is it guy, the 4th gym, finally back here, feel like it was yesterday when you defeated vigoroth heracross

Heracross: Yep, I bet it's gonna be even harder now

Jacob: and now we're back here once again

Heracross: Yep

Octillery: Good times

Budew: I've never been here before Papa

Jacob: oh yeah you haven't. Well sweetie this is hometown of your aunt may and while i did battle the gym leader here it wasn't an official battle

Budew: Oh Okay. Will this one be Official?

Jacob: yes it will, this time we'll have a full battle and your gonna watch as your father takes down another gym leader

Budew: Yay!

Jacob: alright budew you go head inside sweetie and go find the others

Budew: Okay Papa

Budew then went inside

With budew

Budew went inside where the rest of Jacob's group along with norman and Caroline were waiting

Budew: mommies i'm here

May: Oh Hi Budew

She then Grabbed her and Placed her on her Lap.

Budew: Papa told me to stay here and watch the fight

May: Well that's Great of him, Someday you'll be big and strong like him

Budew: Really?

May: Yep, May: Wow! I'm so excited to see how this battle is gonna turn out!

Max: Are you trying to say that Dad's even got a
chance at losing?!

May: Uh...

Brock: Relax. No one said you Dad's gonna lose.

Budew: my daddy is strong i say he's gonna win, he always does as far as i know

Max: Well my Dad is Just as Strong, He's not going to give up so easily! *to may* you seem to be forgetting that people are saying Dad's so strong he's gonna end up a member of the Elite Four! But... that's not to say that jacob hasn't gotten stronger too but he's still no match for Dad!

May: Max, maybe you ought to lay off the soda for a while, huh?

Caroline: She's right honey, I think you need to relax. I know this is the first time you've seen your Dad in a gym battle but you should enjoy it. I have a feeling this is going to be a good one.

Budew then began to drink the rest of max's soda


A/n: 0:16-End

Sabrina: Aww, she had Her first taste of soda

Brock: Yeah and Considering she's way too young, that's not good

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