Jacob is back in a new adventure, follow him and his friends/girlfriends on their adventure where they fight bad guys, win badges, catch pokemon and get more girlfriends. Let's hope the world is ready, cause it's fighting time
Our electric battle resume with jacob and wattson once again, wattson was down to his last two pokemon
wattson:Go Electrike!
Wattson summoned electrike
Jacob: combusken are you able to do one last battle?
Combusken: yeah i think so.
Jacob: Alright then you're up!
Combusken then got on the battlefield
Jacob: alright combusken use flame charge!
wattson:Electrike try to counter it with Spark!
The two pokemon charged at each other, combusken became outlined in orange flames while electrike became surrounded in yellow sparks, the two then collide into each other at high speed as they tried to overpower each other.
Wattson:Now Go with an iron tail!
Electrike jumped up as it's tail glowed white as he tried to slam combusken
Jacob: catch it combusken!
Combusken caught it right before it could hit him
Wattson: what!
Jacob: now seismic toss!
Combusken grabbed electrike and spins around in a circle after a bit he let electrike go as he was sent flying
wattson:Electrike use thunderbolt!
Electrike released a beam of blue electricity from his body at combusken
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The attack struck combusken head on.
Jacob: combusken! You okay?
Combusken:(sarcastic) YES! it's nothing but gumdrops and ice cream!
Jacob: (sigh) if this keeps up you'll get knocked out.
Wattson: use thunderbolt again!
Electrike launched another thunderbolt
Jacob: Quick evade it with dig!
Combusken dug underground right before the thunderbolt could hit him, he then reappeared and struck electrike
Jaraja:(scanning both combusken's and electrike's health) both pokemon are at low health, the next attack should decide the battle!
Jacob:(mind) got it, alright combusken you ready to finish him off.
combusken:Yep I need some healing after this.
Jacob: Alright, then make this count with overheat!