Chapter 256: Unfair-Weather Friends

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So sorry for the wait everyone but I wanna thank my two best bros JackDroid and Ghostzaiko for staying with me and helping me on this chapter, hope you all enjoy it

It was night time we see a motel room where ghost was sleeping when he got a call from zargo

Ghost:...*we see ghost rise up wearing a spa mask* Huh... Ok, this is like* checks time* one in the morning... *he leaves the room and answers the Call* Hi, Welcome to chili's.

Zargo: cut the shit ghost, I've got some important information for you

ghost:Ok, I understand, But, its the dead morning, *checks nails*

Zargo: i don't care if it's the end of time, now pay attention, i had a meeting with the leaders of aqua and magma, they have found out that a certain weather institution contains information and possibly the locations of groudon and kyogre, they both plan on invading the institute tomorrow

ghost:*sweating Bullets on the outside keeping composure* Huh, Who's the idiots at work? I mean If i've got to deal with both of them, I'll need to know which one to be with and not be seen.

Zargo: lucky for you they both plan to arrive at different times, and team magma is sending in a new guy there, apparently he's a master at stealth

Ghost:.... Huh, that's something, well I'll be going with the aqua grunts and see what huge of a difference i'll make, I mean last time the magma lackeys failed to operate that damn ray.

Zargo: i don't care what side you pick the only thing that matters is that you get the info before they do and if they get it before you do, make sure they don't leave with it

Ghost:got it, *rubs eyes* Hey, I think I've got a good plan. If everything goes as I expect, You'll be getting a package by the end of tomorrow.

Zargo: wonderful, so far your the only one who's succeeded so far so good luck also while team magma didn't tell me much about the guy their sending, our team of hackers, got into their database and pulled up his profile, i'm sending it to you right now *sends the message*

ghost:*receives the message* alright, hmm Uh Huh..., I'll be sure to get this over even before I break a sweat.

Zargo: wonderful, i look forward for it, see ya later ghost *hangs up*

ghost:*rubs eyes and mumbles* too early, for this shit, I'll be getting some breakfast or whatever midnight food to eat.

The next day

We see jacob and his crew

Jacob: ahh what a beautiful day, and with wonderful weather

Just then a few drops of rain appeared

Jacob: huh

May: that felt like a raindrop

It then began to pour.

May: Oh Great It's Raining.

Max: I think we have to find Shelter

Jacob: how is this happening it was perfectly fine before

Brock: That is Strange but It may have been A Pokemon. Lots of Pokemon can make it Rain.

Just then lighting and thunder came down

Jacob: Oh god, how did such a good day go south so fast!

Max: I don't know Just keep running!

Just then it stopped raining and began to snow

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