Frenemy - Hilmi Zulkarnain

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"Dah lah tu!" Aaidaa said while closing her ears with her palms.
"He started it first!" You pointed at Hilmi as you glare up at him.
"It's not my fault, you're stupid" he sarcastically said.
"How the hell was I to know the answer to that mathematic question?!" You raise your arms in the air.
"It's because you're stupid" Hilmi said that earn a glare from you.
"Dah! Hilmi diam! And y/n, we have learn this" Aizat close Hilmi's mouth with his palm.
"When??" You ask with wide eyes.
"Last week" Jaja said that made your face turn into shock.
"Ah ha!!! I told you! I was right, we did learn it last week and here we are hearing you saying we haven't learn it." Hilmi poke your forehead.
"Jadi kenapa Botol doesn't know how to solve it too?! Huh?!" You clench your jaws.
"That's because I didn't attend last week class due to fever. Don't you remember ?" Botol explain and that made you flustered.
"Just admit your mistake, miss know it all" Hilmi showed a 'I told you so' face.
"Ish!! Okay fine!!" You admit defend.

You cross your arms and rest it on your chest as you look at the side, not wanting to see Hilmi's arrogant smile.
"Come on...where is our deal?" He raise an eyebrow with a smug on his face.
"What do you want?" You glare at him.
"Hmm...since I rarely get this opportunities from you. Maybe I will keep it until the day I want to use it" he said.
"Then the deal is off" you said, slamming your hand on the table.
" made it clear that the deal is still available until the winner use it. So I'm the winner and I decided to keep it until the time is right to use it" he smirk.
"You devil" you curse under your breath.
"I know you love me" he said that made you fake vomit at his remark.

2 weeks have past by and Hilmi still haven't tell his wish on the deal you made with him. It was driving you crazy because you don't know what he will ask for you to do. You were anxious that he will ask you do something embarrassing and that will make you a laughing stock at school.

"Y/n, you okay tak?" Jaja ask after seeing your dark your eye bag is.
"I can't sleep properly because of that stupid deal!!" You grown as you drop your head on your table.
"Maybe he forgot about it" Jaja shrug her shoulder.
"No..that boy won't easily forget such things. I know what his motives is. He's trying to make me go crazy first and then 'BOMB'  drop his wish on me and make me do embarrassing thing!" You exclaim as if you're gone mad.
"You're thinking about it too much" Aaidaa said and sat beside you.
" haven't seen what that boy can do! Back in middle school, he once dare me to go to our school pond and throw a rock there." You said.
"That's it?" Aaidaa ask.
"No no...that was just the beginning. The pond had biawak and out of million area that rock can hit, it hit the biawak." You said with fright in your tone after remembering such event.
"And it chase her all around school! You should have seen her face! It was hilarious" Hilmi continued the story and laugh loudly.
"It was not funny! I almost got bitten by it" you stood up from your chair and stomp away from there.
"Oh come on. It was funny! Remember the time when we.." He said as he followed you from behind.

Meanwhile the rest of the gang.
"Did that really happen to y/n?" Jaja ask Aizat since he attend the same middle school with you and Hilmi.
"Yeah but don't worry, Hilmi save y/n from it" Aizat said.
"He did?!" Botol ask with surprise.
"Surprising as it seem but Hilmi did helped her. He stupidly hold the biawak tail and quickly pull it away from y/n. Thankfully he didn't get bitten by it" Aizat sigh.
"Wow! Hilmi actually helped y/n. I'm impress" Aaidaa nod with a smile.
"Sadly, y/n didn't know about it and assume that she out run it"  Aizat shrug.
"It's kinda sad that y/n doesn't see the kindness Hilmi do for her." Jaja sadly said.
"Yeah, like that one time Hilmi took all the blame when y/n accidentally trip over the trophy cabinet" Botol said and they all nod.
"But then they start to quarrel again" Jaja sigh.
"Sometimes I just wish those two be nice to each other rather than quarrel over such little things." Aaidaa said and they all agreed on her words.

As they were talking about you and Hilmi. You heard it all actually, Hilmi too. He was standing a bit far from where you were. You look behind to see him standing there while staring at you. You suddenly felt bad after seeing his face and walk away from there.
"Y/n, wait!" Hilmi yell and followed you.

You ran to the school field. Hilmi manage to catch up to you and stopped you by grabbing onto your wrist. You turn around and he was shock to see you were crying. You squat down and cried there. Hilmi didn't know what to do nor say but he stayed there and keep you company.

After you stop crying, Hilmi pull you to the stadium to sit down and talk.
"Why did you cry just now?" He ask with a hint of concern in his voice.
"Because dust flew into my eyes" you said, trying to hide the reason why.
"Y/n, crying over a dust doesn't last that long. Now tell me what made you cry?" He ask.
"You" you said that made him confuse for a sec.
"Me?" He point at himself.
"Yes, you heard what they said about us. We always quarrel over such little things and I never once notice the kind things you done for me because I was too blind to notice it" you said with guilt.
"I don't mind about it actually" he said.
"How can you say such thing? Doesn't it hurt your feelings?" You ask, frowning your brows at him.
"I'm use to it" you shrug his shoulder.
"I'm sorry. I'm not really a good friend to you. I don't even know whether you see me as a friend" you hang your head down.
"You're a good friend. We have known each other since middle school and I'm also sorry for always pranking you" he said before giving a pat on your head.

It then become quiet between you two but it wasn't awkward. Then suddenly Hilmi said something that caught you off guard.
"I have already made my mind on what my wish is" he said out of the blue.
"Hilmi, I'm not in the mood for pranks or joke right now" you said tiredly.
"Just hear me out" he said and you stare at him.
"Fine. What is it?" You sigh.
"My wish is let's be nice to each other for now on. I know it gonna be hard to immediately change our relationship but we can take it slowly and see the good on each of us. We can also try to understand each other rather than straight away point out our disagreement like always. How about it? A deal?" He said with a smile and stretch his hand to you for a handshake.
"You still want to be my friend even after I say such nasty stuff to you?" You ask with doubt.
"Hey, I've said such things to you too so it's even between us and beside I don't want to lose a long time friend who I can blurt out what's going in my head. Only you can understand that about me." He smile and you smile back.
"Yeah. I feel the same way about you too" you said and accept his handshake.
"Friend?" He ask while playfully wiggle his eyebrow at you
"Friend!" You let out a chuckle and gave him a nod.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now