Fangs - Nadhir Nasar (Part 2)

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"Hazelwood? It's been centuries I've heard that family name" someone said interestedly after hearing the name.
"Should I tell the boss about it?" His followers ask.
"No. Let's me go investigate this before we go any further with this person" he smirk.
"The half vampire is also with her. Should we be worry?" The follower ask.
"Vampire?! Ha! Don't make me laugh. He's nothing but just a mere human to us!" The person reply.

Meanwhile, its been a month you have know Nadhir. You think that after he heal he will leave you alone but no, he's stick on you like glue. Wherever you go, he will always show up beside you like he can teleport anywhere he want to. At first you were amaze by how fast he can be beside you but he was getting on your nerves recently. In the end, you decided to just let him be. Now you are at the cafe doing your work when suddenly he appeared from behind.

"What are you doing?" He ask from behind making you jolt form your seat.
"What the ?! You scared me!" You angrily whisper at him.
"Sorry...btw what are you even typing? There are so many words?" He ask while pointing at your laptop screen.
"It's my thesis. My supervisor keep on asking me to change it and it's getting on my nerves so please do not disturb me today" you exhaustedly sigh.
"Oh? I was about to tell you a story about your ancestors that I recently heard form my mother but that can wait" he shrug.
"No! Tell me what you gonna tell me!" You ask excitedly after shutting down your laptop.
"But I thought you have thesis to do?" He raise an eyebrow.
"That can wait. This is more important!" Your eyes sparkle with excitement.
"As you say, malady" he grin before positioning himself near you.

He took out a book that look really old to you.
"What is this?" You point at the book.
"Tales about our ancestor. My mother got it from her parents and I wanted to show this as soon as she told me about this!" Nadhir smile while opening to book carefully.
"Woah!! There are so many......words that I don't understand?" You tilt your head confusingly.
"Me too" he nod along.
"Then how are we gonna read or even understand this thing?!" You frustratedly ask.
"I'm kidding. Of course, I understand. Here listen closely."

He signaling you to come closer to him but didn't thought you will get too close that made his cheeks burn up a bit.
"Come on...don't just stand there. Tell me!" You anticipating told him while patting his back to be quick about it.

He told you most of what he understand what was written in the book. What you got to know is that Hazelwood clan and the vampires were one accomplice to protect each other from the werewolf attack. However, werewolf clan got crafty and become more sly. They manage to decrease the amount of Hazelwood clan and vampires. They were outnumbered so the two clan had to go hiding to protect themselves.

"Wow! So those that meant our ancestor use to lean eachother. No wonder I fell the urge to help you the other day" you nod in approved with the history.
"Wait! How come I never hear this about my ancestors? And werewolves are our enemy does that meant that night they were meaning to kill you?!" You said in shock.
"There's a reason why you never hear this because it was long forgotten as centuries past by plus I recently know about this too. My mother always told me to be careful around sly looking people but I never took that in mind until that night." he said, brushing his chest where he got injured.
"That night went by so fast. A gang of guys suddenly surround me as if I was a prey of theirs. I try to fight them back because I'm usually more stronger than regular human but their strength was another level" Nadhir said making you frown to even think how the situation happened.
"I'm sorry you got ambush like that but it's been centuries? How can they still want to kill our clan?" You curiously ask while gently grasp onto his hands.
"On the book said they want to show their power that they are the strongest, cleverest or it just that their ego is over the top" Nadhir frustratedly sigh.

He notice the look on your face and you seen terrified. You usually like to know things like this but somehow this time it frighten you. Nadhir put a hand on your shoulder that made you to raise your head to face him.
"You don't have to worry about anything. I will be here for you and protect you from danger." He smile.
"But you said they are stronger than you are. What if your got injured? Or worse die in the process to protect me? I can't let that happen to you" your face turn pale by just imagine it.
"I haven't told you this because I don't you to be burden but Hazelwood have a special blood that can make any vampire strength increase massively. That is the reason why Hazelwood clan and vampires use to be accomplice." Nadhir told you making your eye widen.
"So I just have to let you drink my blood to make you stronger?" You ask for another reassure from him.
"Yes" he heavenly verify.
"Then drink my blood!" You place your wrist infront of his mouth making him take a swift of the sweet smell from you.
"No! I believe I can protect you without the help from your blood" he gently push your hand away.
"How?!" You worriedly frown at him.
"I will find a way so just trust me on this." He pat your head to calm you from this new information.

You look down, keeping quite for a while until you said something that caught Nadhir off.
"I'm scared that I will lose you" you tightly grip onto the end of his sleeve.
"You won't." He smile to make you feel a bit ease.
"You better keep that words of yours before I kill you first before the werewolf does" you jokingly said earning a chuckle from him.
"I won't let they hurt me or you" he confidentially said.
"I trust you" you show a small smile to him.

"Interesting, I guess this will be an easy task then" the person smirk after ear-dropping you and Nadhir conversation.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now