First Love - Nadhir Nasar (Part 1)

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First love is one of a kind that you couldn't forget nor move on easily.  It always bring you some kind of attachment that you want to hold on tightly. It's innocent, exciting and extraordinary kind of feeling especially with the person you truly love. You on the other hands couldn't forget him. He was your first love, your first person to ever make you feel special, the one that made you realize true love truly exist. Until the day, you made a mistake that couldn't be taken back. You hurt his feeling that scar both of you.

2 year have passed by.
After graduating high school, you continue on your bachelor degree as your others friend went with their own path in their life. On your semester break, your old classmate decided to make a reunion by doing a 3 days and 2 night trip. You wanted to skip this reunion because he will be there but your close friends insisted you join so you did.

You were waiting at the bus top for them to pick you up and there they were. You saw him in the bus sitting infront row, looking happy unlike you. You have cold feet not knowing what to do nor to say at him but thankfully one of your close friend pull you to sit at the back of the van.

" you two still haven't made up after those 2 years?" Sarah ask.
"I don't know how...did you saw how he looked at me...he look irritated" you sadly tell them.
"Don't be sad, y/n. I know it's hard to have an ugly breakup" Terra pat your your back.
"I made him hate me...I was at fault. I just want this feeling to be over." You sigh deeply at the thought of the your past mistake.

The trip was fun and you realize how much your miss hanging out with your classmates. Sadly, the last day have come.
"Let's do this again. I had a great holiday thanks to you all!!" You cheerfully told them.
"Sure thing, y/n!" Terra gave you a thumbs up.
"Eh? Nadhir you're getting off here?" Walter asking his friend that suddenly getting off the bus.
"Yeah.. I have something to buy near here" Nadhir said.
"Isn't that a great coincidence? You could company y/n until she reach her home. I heard there was some horrifying incident happened near these neighborhoods" Sarah said in fright that made you confusingly stare at her.
"Huh? These neighborhoods is quite saf..." You got cut off by Terra throwing you her phone at you.
"Oops...My hands slipped" Terra innocently smile.

Before handing back her phone, you saw her phone screen that have a text written 'this is your chance to make up with him'. You immediately got the hint and gave them a slight nod.
"Take care you two! Nadhir, you better company her safely if not I will hunt you down if anything happen to her!!" Sarah warn Nadhir as he gave her a nod.

It was hella awkward for you to be walking home with him. He was walking few steps ahead from you. Neither of you start a conversation until you feel your phone vibrate with notifications.

'You better grab this chance or you will keep having dreams of you apologizing to him till you're old" Sarah texted.
'Sarah don't be too harsh on her. Y/n, you got this! Just tell him from the bottom of your heart that you're sorry. I'm sure he will understand' Terra try to cheer you on.
''s the fact. Do it or regret it, y/n. BTW Good luck' Sarah said.

You tried to engage a conversation but as soon as you try to let out a words, you quickly close you lips together. You were  too nervous to even let out a squeak, scared it will irritate him. Without you realizing it, you have reached your home. You lightly bow as a sign of thanking him walking you home. He stare at you for a few second before leaving. You stare his back as he slowly disappearing from your view. You were trying so hard to move your feet to run toward him but the hatred you saw on his face reminds you of the past.

You eventually gave up and went in your house. Your eyes start to fill with tears.
"Why can't I just do it? What am I so scared of?! The past is the past. I need to do the right thing before it really become too late..." You told yourself but still not moving from where you were standing.

You lift your head and saw that one particular keychain dangling on the cupboard hook. Suddenly a memory flash through your mind.

"Y/n! I've got a gift for you...for our 1 month of dating" he joyfully said after giving you the keychain.
"Thanks Nadhir! Is it a hamster?" You ask, staring at the homemade keychain.
"Actually I was trying to knit a bunny for you but I accidentally made the ear short" he awkwardly rub the back of his neck.
"a bunny or a hamster. I still love it because you specially made it for me. Thank you, Nadhir" you said before giving him a peck on the cheek.

You wipe your tears away and quickly run out your house to catch up to him. Thankfully, he was still in the area. You run as fast as your could and loudly call out his name. He look behind to see you running towards him. He stopped his track and now facing you.

"Please tell you" you were gasping for air as if you had run a marathon.
"You have always been a bad atlet, y/n" he mumbles to himself and chuckled at your current state.
"What is it?" He said in monotone.
"I..." You wanted to say you're sorry but after remembering that he had grown tired of hearing your apologies, you sealed you lips together.
"I have other things to do that just standing here all day" he said making you look up at him with plead for him to stay.

Nadhir was taken back by your pleading face. That reaction of your have always been one of his weakness. He made sure to keep his poker face on to not make it obvious that your pleading face is working on him.

"I know you're tired of hearing me saying these words but I'm extremely sorry for what I have done to you in the past. I know I was wrong for doing that to you. I took advantage of your kindness and your love for me. I broke your trust. I was a bad girlfriend to you and this feeling has hunting me for the past 2 years. We had a bad breakup. We become strangers because of me. I lose you, my best friend and the one I truly love because of my arrogance." You said a tears slowly running down your cheeks.

Nadhir saw your tears and wanted to wipe it for you but he demand to stay put on his position because he still doesn't want to gave in to you.....yet.

"I shouldn't have said such mean words about you. I was wrong for doing so" you continued.
"For saying that you only accept my confession because you pity me and played along to be my girlfriend even though you didn't even love me?" Nadhir reminiscing the exact word you said to the popular girls in the past.
"I truly did love you! With all my heart. I was stupid for even saying those words. I'm the worse" you said while looking on your feet.
"You were the worse. Didn't you ever think that those words will hurt my feelings? I trusted you and loved you with all my heart but your broke it in a flash. I start to hated you because of that day even though I didn't want to hate you. It hurt me to even remember how much I've started to despite you and hated you. It hurt me that we started to ignore each other for the past 2 years because of the incident" Nadhir told you how he had truly feel about it.
"I'm truly am sorry! I really am...I'm so sorry, Nadhir" you burst to tears after hearing how hurt he was by your action in the past.

You drop down, hugging your knees while burying your face on your knee. Nadhir heard the muffle sound of your crying that your trying so hard to hide. He look up, trying his best to hold in his tears but a tear manage to escape and roll down on his left cheek. He quickly wipe it away and let out a deep sigh. He squad down to your level and gently tuck few strain of your hair behind your ears.

"That's don't have to cry anymore. It's all in the past" he gently said.
"I'm the worse person. I hurt you...out of billion people on earth...I hurt the person I truly love" you said in between your cries.
"Y/n...if I told you I forgive you. Will you stop crying?" Nadhir said that manage for you to hold in your cries.
"You're forgiving me?" You ask still hiding your face on your knees.
"Yes. It's been 2 years and we both have suffered enough by the past." Nadhir said.

You slowly raise your head up to face him, only to see a smile on his face.
"It's been awhile I've seen your smiling face" you sadly smile at him.
"And it also been awhile I've seen your ugly crying face" he teasingly said before wiping your remaining tears with his handkerchief.
"I miss your teasing...Does this mean we made up?" You ask, anticipated with his answer.
" sure...we made up as colleague" he said that made you have mixed feeling with that term but it's better that strangers.
"Can we ever be friend again?" You ask again.
"There is still some part we need to patch up before we become friend again, y/n" he reply that made you somewhat sad.
"But there a possibilities we can become friend again." He said that cheer you up.
"I like that possibilities" you smile at him.

"It's so easy to read you, y/n" he said to himself with a light chuckle.

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