Worries - Naim Ismet

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*in this school will be a CO-ED school instead of being an all boy school, plus there might be some triggered stuff in this story*

You always been in the same class with Naim since form 1 till form 5. Your friend keep on telling you to not worry too much about Naim because he's no one to you but just a classmate. However, you just couldn't let go this feeling of wanting to help him in resolving his inner feelings.

"Hey Sarah, have you seen Naim?" You ask your best friend while looking for Naim.
"I don't know and I don't care. He might be creating a fight again" Sarah annoyingly roll her eyes at the mention of Naim.
"Plus, why do you always ask about him. I told you to let it go, y/n. Naim and his gang are just a troublemakers that making this school hell for everyone. I don't even know why you care about him so much?" Sarah tiredly sigh at your stubbornness to not listen to her advice.
"I just have a feeling that he have this deep grudges in him that he been keeping in for too long and someday, I know someday he will explode and I want to be there to help him" you explain the same thing to Sarah million of times.
"Then it's his problem why would you butt in?? Even if he explode, what will you do? Calm him down?! Have you seen that boy? They way he calm himself is by punching someone on the face!!" Sarah frustratedly said.
" I know but Sarah there might be something I can help him for him to express all his deep grudges" you said making Sarah rub her face with her palms
"You been doing this for 5 years and he ignored you. I'm just scared that you will get hurt by him. I care for you, you're my best friend, y/n" Sarah worriedly said about your safety.
"I will be okay, Sarah" you reassure her making her sigh with your answer.

You haven't seen Naim anywhere until recess time. You told Sarah that you will be skipping lunch and went on to look for Naim. As you were walking most of the school ground, you finally found Naim standing at the the school blindside where rarely people walk through.

"Naim?" You carefully call out his name.
"What are you doing here?" He glare at you before putting his cigarette out.
"You weren't in class for first to third period." You said making him let out an annoyed sigh.
"So...what is it to you? Why do you always butt into my live, y/n? Don't you have any better things to do?" He irritated frown at you.
"I'm worried about you. I know there is something bothering you" you manage to say that without chicken out like last time.
"Who are you to be worried about me? Huh?! Tell me who are you to worry about me?! My mom and father don't even care about me!!! So who are you to feel that way for me??" He rise his voice at you.
"Tch! Just get out from my face, y/n. You're nothing in my life. Don't even talk about being worry about me. You don't know how I feel inside nor I will ever tell you about it" he clench his jaws to hold in his anger before walking away from there.
"I can help you, Naim!" You said that made him stop his track.
"There is no one that can help me" he said before walk away.

After that day, you didn't give up. You keep trying to find some way to talk to him even though most of the time he ignored you. Until one day, Ariz start to harass you.

"Eh, Naim...why is Ariz following y/n around?" Amir point at your direction.
"I don't know and I don't care" Naim continue eating.
"You know how Ariz is, plus the whole school know how much y/n care about you. Do you think that he's doing that to possibly get your attention?" Amir assume.
"Well..his plan fail. I don't even care about it so stop all your assumption before I eat your lunch" Naim said not wanting that conversation to keep going.

3 days later, Ariz keep on harassing you. You were alone because Sarah at the time have follow international debate competition for the whole week. Amir notice it again and told Naim about it.

"I told you I don't care" Naim frustratedly told his best friend.
"Even if you don't care, at least help y/n by telling Ariz to back off. She's having a hard time, Naim" Amir said.
"Then you go tell him" Naim nudge Amir to go.
"I did but if you haven't notices he is still there harassing her" Amir sigh.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now