I'm here for you - Shafiq Hambali

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You were standing near a big tree while staring at your phone trying make you look unoccupied until you heard a motorcycle honk near you. You raise your head to meet a blue shirt guy staring at you with a smile on his face.

"Shafiq!!" You cheerily said his name and walk to his way.
"You okay? What's with the text you send me? It sounded urgent" he ask with a hint of worry in his tone.
"Just to see whether you care about me or not. It seem that you do care...hehehe. Anyways everything is good. I just miss you" you smile.
"Y/n, you almost gave me a heart attack!" He knock your head and sigh at your mischievous act.
"Sorry that I haven't been replying to your texts or returning your calls lately. I've been busy with work" he shrug with a slight smile.
"It's ok. I understand. When will you come back to school? It's boring without you there" you stare down with a sad expression.
"I don't know, y/n. Maybe someday. I'm not so sure" He sadly reply.

You notice how gloom the atmosphere have gotten. You know his family condition and wanted to help but he doesn't let you help him because he doesn't want to burden you with his problem.

"Sorry for making it awkward" he awkwardly chuckle that made you shook your head.
"Let's hang out for awhile. Hm? If you have time?" You ask and he gave you a nudge on the shoulder.
"I always have time for you, y/n. Even better, I'm on my break so how about I bring you to a cafe?" He ask that brighten your mood.
"Really!? Let's go!" You joyfully cheer and hop on his motorcycle after putting on his spare helmet.
"Let's go!" He cheer along with you and drove.

After reaching at the cafe, he told you to go take a sit while he ordered you and his drinks.
"Here is my lady drink and cake" he said, handing yours then put his drink on front of you.
"Well thank you, my lord" you replied and giggle as he formally bow down to you.
"Come on, sit down" you pat on the table infront of you.
"Ok..ok" he nod.
"So, how's your siblings doing?" You ask as he softly stare at you.
"They're doing ok. Even though, they can be a handful sometimes" he smile at the image of his siblings.
"How about Sue?" You ask that caught him off guard for a moment but you know her condition because he told you the day he knew about it.

"She and the baby is doing okay" he replied not removing his eyes from his drink.
"Take good care of her, Fiq" you warmly said.
"I will. I'm still a bit disappointed with her but she's my little sister." Shafiq said softly.
"I will help you in any way I can. That's my word to you" you said to him that earn a warm smile form him.
"I really admire your love for siblings so much" you said that made him stare at you.
"Y/n, you sure everything is okay?" He ask because he can sense something is going on in your mind.
"Everything is fine, Fiq" you show him a big grin with a thumbs up.

"No....everything is no fine" you thought to yourself.

Shafiq send you to your house and bid you goodbye. You breath in and let out a deep sigh while staring at your house. It was an average family house, you watch how peaceful it look from the outside but you can hear the ruckus coming from inside. You close both of your ear with your palm and shut your eyes tight.

"Everything is going to be okay" you said to yourself repeatedly before going inside your house.

As soon as you open the front door, you can hear your parents heated argument in the living room. You sigh and walk toward there. You watch how angry they both were at each other over small things like who put this on the table?, who leave this here?, why are you drinking so loud?.

Your mother saw you standing near them and they stop arguing. They always do that whenever they saw you.
"Honey, you're home. How's school?" She softly ask.
"It was fine" you reply.
"Princess, are you hungry? Daddy can order food for you" your father smile.
"I already ate with a friend." You said.
"I think I'm going to bed early. Goodnight" you said and they gave you a nod.
"Good night, Honey" they both wish you which made you more sad by it.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now