Ismet Brothers - Naim Ismet & Fakhri Ismet (Part 2)

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You and the Ismet brother got closer in no time. It as if you three never separated for 6 years. However, you did notice there is a change between the way they treated you. Fakhri become more protective and much more affection towards you while Naim become a bit distance to you. You didn't want to think deep about it but it somehow stir your curiosity.

You're currently at the library with Mia, doing your duty as the pengawas library while Mia was just there accompanying you.
"So how is you're relationship going with the Ismet brother?" Mia whisper.
"We're good, why?" You ask while rearranging the books.
"Any update with any of them?" Mia teasingly nudge you.
"If you're asking if we're gotten closer...yes we did" you innocently replied.
"Oh come on, y/n! You know what I'm talking about! Don't you realize how those 2 act and treat you? You're like a goddess in their eyes!!!" Mia exclaim.
"Shh! Not so loud, Mia" you covered her mouth.
"Ynnmnatyrbhnd" Mia muffled.
"What are you trying to say Mia?" You confusingly stare at her.
"Y/n?" A sweet yet deep voice voice called your name from behind.
"Naim?!" You remove your hand off Mia's mouth before turning to face Naim.
"I will be going now." Mia teasingly whisper before leaving you and Naim.
"I bought you (your favorite drink), you free?" Naim shake both the carton of drink with a smile.

You are now sitting with Naim in the open space. As you were spacing out, savoring the deliciousness of your drink.
"Y/n did you heard what I was saying?" Naim tap your shoulder.
"What? Oh! What were you saying?" You cluelessly stare at him making him let out a chuckle.
"So will always space out when you're savor your favorites foods and drinks" Naim pinch your cheek.
"Yeah...btw what were you telling me just now?" You ask.
"What do you see between me and Fakhri?" Naim ask making your eyebrow frown.
"What with the random question?" You snicker.
"I just wanted to know" he shrug.
"Hmm...well you're soft but I'm not saying you're a pondan! It's just that you're more attentive towards emotional feelings and you can straight away understand me when I talk to you about my feelings. While, Fakhri is like a rock. He's a bit hard to understand when it come to emotion, you need to explain one by one for him to fully understand. The only one things he's really good are with his fists" you state on how your view them both individually.
"I see...So which one do you feel more comfortable to be with?" Naim ask making you tilt your head at the side.
" both are comfortable to be with. Yours and his energy balance each other that I don't need to pick either one of you" you reply but that wasn't the answer he was hoping to hear from you.
"But if you have no other choice but to pick either one of about picking me?" Naim ask while leaning near toward your face, locking eyes with you.

You two lock eyes for not knowing how long until the school bell rang indicating that recess have ended. You quickly stand up and let out a fake cough to ease the atmosphere.
"We should go back to class now" you press your lips together before walking ahead.
"Y/n..wait up" Naim grin with your cute reaction.

As you two were walking together toward your shared classroom, Fakhri actually heard your conversation with Naim from A to Z. He didn't meant to earsdrop, he first saw you with Naim and wanted to greet you but as soon as he heard what Naim asked you, he decided to stayed put and heard everything. He was having mixed feeling with what he just listen to. He didn't know to feel happy, guilty, disappointed or betrayal that he found out that his older brother also have feeling for you. He was stressed out with all the thoughts running through his head that he ended up punching the wall infront of him.

As you were waiting for the class to start, you saw Fakhri walking in the classroom with a long face. You watch him sit down on his seat until you saw his wounded knuckles, the blood have all dried up but he didn't even show any pain on his expression. You quickly pull him out from the classroom towards bilik Kesihatan while Naim watched you and Fakhri leaving the classroom, he wanted to follow but he was too late as the teacher have already come in.

Neither you and Fakhri say any words on the way to the bilik Kesihatan. You knock the door to see the teacher in charge have already went to their class. You didn't hesitated to pull him inside and went on searching for the first aid kit.

"Sit down and held your hand out" you said asking for his injured hand.
"You don't have to do anything, y/n. I'm okay" he said but that only made you angry at him.
"You're clearly not okay! Now give me your hand!" You exclaim sternly at him so he eventually held out his injured hand.
"This will sting" you said before cleaning his wounds.
"I'm used to the pain" he said but soon hissed in pain after you start cleaning.
"Just because you declare yourself as 'anak jantan' doesn't mean you have to be strong and immune with pain all the time" you state that made him held his head low.

After you finish treating his wounds, you put back the first aid kit to where it was.
"Mind telling me what happen to your knuckle? " you ask in concern.
"It's nothing...I fell" he lied earning a hard slap on the back from you.
"Lies! What kind of fall that only your knuckles were bleeding?! Do you think I'm that gullible to believe such lies?" You scoff at his bluff.
"Now..tell me what happened" you stare straight into his eyes for him to tell you the truth.
"You sure you want to hear the truth?" He ask making you a bit nervous with his stare.
"Ye..yes" you shuttered but remain stern with your question.
"You won't regret it?" You lean closer toward you making you flustered with his action.
"No" you stay put with your position.
"I heard yours and Naim conversation. I even heard him asking you a question whom you are more comfortable with. Then why not pick me? I'm a better pick to be with you, y/n..... Don't you agree?" He ask, leaning closer.
"What are you talking about, Fakhri?" You stare him with questionable face.
"I like you, (your full name). I have always liked you since young." He confess that surprise you.

You froze, not knowing what to do nor answer him.
"What will be your answer, y/n? Do you pick me or him?" Fakhri ask.

You didn't know what to do in that situation other than slapping both of his cheek with both your palm. Fakhri was surprise with your action and so were you.
"You're messing with me, aren't you?!" You nervously laugh.
"What?!" He questionably look at you
"Let's go back to class before we got into big trouble with Mr.Sin" you said and quickly walk out form the room.
"Wait, y/n!" Fakhri catch up to you.

After they went out from the room, they didn't know Naim was there all the time. He was hiding behind the door, listening to all of yours and Fakhri conversation.
"He know my feelings for y/n....he also confess....what do I do now?" Naim run his palm on his face out of frustration.
"Do I still have a chances to be with her?" Naim sadly look through his reflection on the mirror hanging infront of him.
"What should I do now?" Naim question himself, not know what will happen next between him, Fakhri and you.

📍I actually have idea for 2 ending,
-First ending is an ending with Naim
while the
-Second ending is an ending with Fakhri
Do you all what both ending or just one which is with Naim?

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