Goodbye - Nadhir Nasar

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Your phone ding indicating that you got a text message. You saw one of them is from your bestfriend, Tammy. She told you to go check your Whatsapp from Sarah, who is one of your classmate in highschool. You without any second thought go check it out to see that she send a photo, showing her wedding card that will held next week on Saturday. The most shocking part is the man she is marrying someone you use to be close and love very much.

You stared at her wedding card as memories start to float back in your mind. Tears start to form in your eyes then suddenly your front door open, revealing Tammy now standing infront of you with sympathy on her expression.

"Y/n" she softly said your name.
"Tammy!" You said her name as your tears running down your check and began to cry louder.

Tammy pulled you in her embrace and hug you tightly. She know how your past with him and she feel so hurt to see that your breaking apart again because of him.

"Just let it all out" she whisper that a made you cried harder.

-15 years ago-
You were a new form 2 student that just transfer from Kuala Lumpur to Selangor. The teacher introduce you to your new classmate and asked you to go sit beside a tall guy, with tan skin and have a monolid eyes that look a bit intimidated. You gulp and brave yourself to take a sit beside him. You greeted him with a hi and to your surprised he treated you back with a friendly tone.

Since then, you and him have gotten closer. You two were inseparable and where you go he will always be there beside you. People always assume you two are dating but in your point of view you just thought of him as a best friend.

The day come for the form 3 student to go to a field trip to a museum (I actually don't really know museum in Selangor area so just thought of any museum there or near that area ^_^).

"Dhir, Look!! It's you" you point at one of the statue.
"Hahaha funny. Look here...that's you" he point at the ant and flick it off the wall.
"Hey!! That's mean!" You pout.
" my baby y/n offended...too bad, you started it first" he made a sad eyes before changing into a smirk.
"Tammy!!! Nadhir is being a bully!!" You run after her.
"You started it, y/n. Now behave or Ms Nurul will scolded us" she shush you and asked you to focus the class filed trip.
"Serve you right" Nadhir teasingly whisper you that made him earn a slap on his shoulder.
"Ow!!" He loudly said in pain.

Ms Nurul actually noticed yours and Nadhir little quarrel so she called out both of your name that gain everyone attention.
"Nadhir! Y/n! Stop playing around and pay attention for once" Ms Nurul scolded you both.
"We're sorry, Teacher" you both apologize to her.
"Alright let me explain it again. I will split into 2 group and each group will have to jot down the history within this museum and submit it to me by the end of this field trip. Understand?" Ms Nurul explain.
"Understood, Teacher" you all replied her.
"Good. Now, I will call out everyone name to split you all into 2 group" Ms Nurul said and start calling each one of your classmate name.

Meanwhile you already linking both of your arms on two of your bestfriend.
"You do know that we might not be in 1 group" Tammy state the fact.
"I know but if Ms Nurul see us three, maybe she will change her mind" you try to think the possibility of that to happen.
"There's a possibility that can happen" Nadhir nod his head, approving your idea.
"Really, Nadhir. You're siding with her?" Tammy roll her eyes at her two friends.
"There a chance right? and beside we can't separate with y/n. She's out happy pill" Nadhir pat your head that made you smile at his warm touch.
"More like your happy pill" Tammy shake her head with a half smile on her face.

After Ms Nurul called the rest of the student name, she saw you three linking your arm tightly on Tammy and Nadhir.
"Y/n, I know you're close with them both but I have to split you three for today" Ms Nurul sigh while pinching the ridge of her nose.
"What? Teacher, can't you let us be in 1 group. Please?" You plead.
"You three won't focus and will just play around. Especially, you and Nadhir! So NO!. Nadhir you will be in group 2 while Tammy and y/n will be in group 1" Ms Nurul firmly said.
"But teacher. I promise that we will stay focus" you try to negotiated with her.
"No means no, y/n. That is my final statement. Now group 1 will follow me while group two will be watch by one of our practical teacher Mr Jamie" Ms Nurul said.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now