Enemies to Lover - Hilmi Zulkarnain

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"Arghh!! Can you stop being so annoying?" You snort annoyingly at Hilmi.
"Eh?! Excuse me but when did I ever annoy you?" He roll his eyes at you.
"Just a minute ago!! You purposely trying to show you mark by fanning them infront of me!" You scoff at him.
"Oh this?" He place his paper on your table with an proud expression.
"You're just jealous that my grades is higher than yours will ever be" he arrogantly say.
"Tch! Just because you score on this trial doesn't mean you're better than me. That's just show that I will work harder to surpass you with flying colors in the upcoming trial" you confidentially said while resting your back on your chair.
" you and your bluff....someday you will bow down asking me for my forgiveness" he slam him hands on your table while glaring at you.
"I believe that is the other way around" you raise an eyebrow at him.
"Okay kids...stop fighting" Aaida push your both apart.
"Can you two get along already? It's been like 4 years you both been fighting like cat and dog" Aizat sigh at his two friend relationship.
"You want me to be friend with this Kayu lidi?!" You point at Hilmi.
"Hey! Who are you calling Kayu lidi!! You crow!" He angrily said to you.
"What did you just call me! How the hell am I a crow?!" You grin your teeth angrily.
"Because you always bring bad luck!" He stated that made you hurt by his statement.

You were clenching your fist as your knuckles start to turn white.
"Hilmi! That is not nice to say about y/n!" Jaja scold Hilmi then try to comfort you.
"It's true! Look at what she's done to Botol feet! She broke it because she 'accidentally' drop dumbbell on his feet" Hilmi emphasize on the word accidentally making you lowered your head.
"She didn't meant to do so. I surprise her while she was carrying it and it accidentally drop directly on my feet. It was my fault not her" Botol back you up.
"Well...it's still her fault for letting go. Wherever she go bring bad luck. Remember that one time she almost broke Aaida arm during playing volleyball. Jaja remember that she almost burn the camp site down while you two were in charge of cooking during camping. Plus, she also almost give food poisoning to Aizat for not carefully look at the expiring date of the bread. So I don't see why you all want to stay close to her when all she do is bring bad luck in your life." Hilmi scoff after stating all the event that had happened because of you're clumsiness.
"Hilmi that is enough!" Aizat irritatedly grab onto Hilmi collar.
" he's right" you said.
"Hear that? She's telling you all that it's all true" Hilmi grin.
"I'm tired of this childish fight with you, Hilmi" you said, looking at him with tears in your eyes.
"Y/n..." They all worriedly look at your state.
"Hey...don't play the victim here." Hilmi frown.
"I'm not. I admit that it is all true what had happened but I didn't want it to happen. I apologize my wrongdoings and try improve my clumsiness. But somehow you always manage to bring the past up. Ever since we met, you will always stick your nose into my wrongdoings when it never include you." You said while glaring at him with tears in your eyes.
"It's because you're annoy me to my bones" Hilmi state.
"I'm sorry for making you feel so but I don't remember that I once hurt your feeling. All I remember the first thing was I try to be friend with you but all you did was giving me disgusting look." You sigh heavily.
"I don't even know what is going through your mind right now. I'm tired of this silly fight with you, Hilmi. Let's just stop already. I'm sorry if I ever did any thing that hurt you. I'm sorry" You plead.
"You're just saying that to make me feel bad but that is not gonna work on me" Hilmi stick his tongue at you.
"Fine...whatever suit you Hilmi. I'm done" you close your eyes as tears start to stream down, feeling so annoy with his behavior.

You walk away out form the class leaving all of them in despair except for Hilmi.
"Really dude?! She apologize to you without even knowing what she had done wrong to you and all you did was provoke her more?!" Aizat push Hilmi by the shoulder.
"I'm so disappointed at you, Hilmi. Y/n doesn't deserve this kind of behavior from you. She have always try to be kind to you in possible ways you don't even know" Aaida said before chasing after you.
"She never once did any nice thing for me? How can you even say such thing?" Hilmi bitterly said.
"Because she never show it to you due to your arrogant action to her. Do you remember the day you lose your favorite watch during camping...it was her who found it in the river. She nonstop looking for it until she got a fever the next day. She even write down the notes for you when you got high fever the other day but ask us to lied that it was Aizat who wrote it for you. Plus she never once bring your dark past like you did to her." Jaja inform before walking away form there.
"You should have never said that to her like that, Hilmi. Y/n always have a soft side for you but you never once gave her the chance to show it to you. You always provoke her until she had enough of it. I don't even know if she will ever forgive you after this." Botol sigh disappointedly at his friend.

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