Thank you - Nadhir Nasar

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"Y/n, can you do this?"
"Y/n, help me with this"
"Y/n, take those for me"
"Y/n, make me this"
"Y/n, go there for me"
"Y/n, do this for me"
"Y/n, please"
"Y/n, can you lean me money"
"Y/n, can I borrow your car?"
"Y/n, can you drive me there?"
"Y/n, can you buy me this?"
"Y/n, can you pay these for me"
"Y/n, can you carry this for me?"

All of those people asking helps and requests, you accepted and never once you turn them down. Since young, you never said no to others because you were taught if you do good thing you will be rewarded with good things too. However, it have become a habit of yours to say no to anyone's requests. They soon take it for granted. You wanted to change that part of you but you couldn't. You sometimes think if they ever deserve your helps or if they ever say thank you to you.
You were sitting peacefully sitting in a cottage while doing your assignment until they come to you. You tried to ignore them and not make eye contact with them but they somehow made you face them.

"Are you doing the assignment Professor Kim asked us to do?" Lisa ask, eyeing at your assignment.
"Yes" you replied.
"I don't understand his class, can you help me with it?" Fiona ask you.
"I can teach the part you don't understand, if you want" you said.
"I don't meant to teach me but to help me do my assignment" Fiona innocently smile.
"But isn't that wrong?" You said making both of the laugh.
"Hahaha! of course not if you write our assignment differently and write the front page with our name" Lisa pat your shoulder.
"But still..." You hesitate to say no again.
"Come on, y/n. your friends?" Lisa try to manipulate you into helping them with their assignment.

You were just about to say okay to them but got interrupted by him.
"No!" He said, showing up behind you.
"Nadhir?" Lisa frown.
"I have enough with your scheme. I've been watching you two and do not disturb y/n ever again. If you do, I won't hesitate to report this to Professor Kim" Nadhir warn.

They hissed annoyingly at him before walking away.

"Thank you again, Nadhir" you thanked him for helping to say no.
"You were about to say okay, weren't you" Nadhir ask, taking a sit infront of you.
"They asked for can I turn them down...they're my friends" you said making Nadhir sigh at your decision.
"Friends?! What kind of friends ask you to do their work. Help?! That's not helping anyone in this case. You're only going to burden yourself with others concern" Nadhir say making you silent.
"Try to say no when it's out of your boundaries. You can't always help them with everything they asked you to do. Learn to say no to everyone" Nadhir said.
"I will try... Thanks for the advice" you nod.

Even after hearing the advice from him, you never learn to say no to everyone. You have just finish your class when one of your senior asked you if you can help them carry those heavy boxes to their faculty. It was actually quite far from where you are. You were just about to say yes until Nadhir pull you to his side and reject the request for you.

"Let's go" Nadhir pull you away before you could say anything to your seniors.
"Where are you taking me?" You ask.
"Somewhere far from here so that no one is able to ask you for any helps or request." Nadhir pass you his spare helmet.
"But we both have class an hour from now" you said.
"Professor Azhar cancel it and I know after his class, you're free and so am I" he said before putting the helmet on you.
"Get on" he said as he pat the empty seat behind him.

You got on and slightly hold on the side of his jacket.
"Hold on tight, I won't be slowing down" he said, making your arms wraps around his waist.

You weren't sure where he was taking you because you weren't familiar with the road until he stop at some beach. You got off his bike and gave his helmet to him.
"What are we doing here?" You ask.
"Healing?" He smile and took your hand to walk towards the beach.

As you two were enjoying each other company and the scenery, it really did help release your stress. Now both of you are sitting on the dry sand watching the beautiful sunset.

"Thank you for bringing me here" you thanked him.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it" he smile.
"I have to ask you, y/n. Why is it so hard for you to decline people's request? Don't you ever say no to anyone while you were young?" Nadhir ask.
"I don't actually know the reason why but I guess I got it from my mom" you said.
"Your mom? Does she always say yes to everyone too?" Nadhir ask.
"Not really. She does say no to somethings that's she couldn't help with but she never once say no to my dad helps and requests even after he have done bad things to my mom. She always say yes to him" you said with a sad smile.
"Did you dad hurt her?" Nadhir ask with concern.
"Not physically but mentally. He once cheated on her, thinking that she doesn't know about it but she does. I always ask her why do she have to help such people and she said 'if you do something good you will be rewarded good even if it's from someone else' and I guess it's true" you said, facing him.
"Because of you. You help me with the things I couldn't do and I thanked you for it." You smile.
"Y/n...I promise you that I will be the one to help you from now on" Nadhir said, holding gently into your hand.
"No...lets help each other. Give and take" you said making him nod.
"I would like that very much" he said, smiling warmly at you.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now