Bestfriend to lover - Hilmi Zulkarnain (Part 2)

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SPM was getting nearer for both of you but it didn't stop for you two to have some dates in the middle of those chaotic environment. Your friends was extremely happy to know that you two finally decided to date each other. Despite you never once date someone, Hilmi was patience enough to show and give you the love that you never once fell.

He will sometimes show you how it is to go on dates and how it is to show love to your significant others. Obviously, he will always keep the boundaries between you two and you're grateful that's he's your lover. It's been almost 3 months, you and him become an item and you couldn't ask for a better lover than him. Until, that day ruined it all for the both of you.

2 days before the incident happened, you and the gang were studying like always at your hang out place. Like usual, Hilmi will stick beside you like glue.
" not to be rude but can you two stop being lovey dovey just for awhile?" Aizat growl in annoyance.
" you're the first one to congratulation us when we come out as a couple..Why the sudden change of heart?" Hilmi state.
"Just ignore him, Hilmi. He's just jealous that he's single and lonely" Aaida said.
"Eh! I can get any girl I want, okay!" Aizat defend himself.
"How about me, Aizat ~" Jaja cheerfully volunteer herself to be Aizat girl.
"Don't get your hope to high. He's waiting for his crush to reply his confession... Which will never happen" Botol jokingly said that earn a knock on the head by Aizat.
"Okay enough... Let's continue study. Hilmi, how about you go sit next to Aizat" you said making him stare at you with sad eyes.
"Aww...but why?" He cling your arm.
"At times like this, he need his best friend company" you whisper to him.
"Fine. But you better make it up with a date, okay?" You gave him a nod to make him agreed and sat beside Aizat.

After the study group, you agreed to have a date with Hilmi later the evening. After changing your clothes, you quickly walk down from your dormitory, excited to meet Hilmi. Until, you reach to the point you saw him pinning Sarah on the wall. The whole situation was messing with your head, you couldn't think straight after seeing Sarah pull Hilmi for a hug and kiss him on the cheek.

Sarah actually saw you so that is why she did that to make the whole situation chaotic between you and Hilmi. Hilmi was also taken back by the whole situation but more horrified to see you standing not far from him. He quickly push himself off Sarah and was about walk toward but your gave him the signal to stop his step.

"I don't want to hear it. I clearly saw what happened so there is no need for explanation" you said, didn't even dare to look at his face.
"No, y/n this is all an misunderstanding" Hilmi try to take a step but you yell at him.
"I don't need any of this bullshit!! I shouldn't have given you a chance. I should have lock my heart away. I shouldn't have let you into my heart in the first place. I regret it!!" you exclaim the last sentence as you glare at him with hatred in your eyes.
"No..y/n..please let me explain" Hilmi try to negotiate with you.
"Hilmi...what's holding you up. You told me that we will go somewhere private..just the two of us" Sarah suddenly appear again from his behind, whispering those words into Hilmi ears but enough for you to hear it too.
"I'm sick of you, Hilmi. You're disgusting. Don't ever come near me again!" You said after running away from there.

Hilmi stare at you with sadness on his face. He never thought this misunderstanding can lead you to hate him. The disgust expression you gave him left a big wound in his heart.

"You..." Hilmi clench his fist as his knuckles start to turn white.
"Hilmi?" Sarah can sense the dark aura from his voice and slowly backing away.
"You are the cause of this!" Hilmi turn to face Sarah.
"'re scaring me"  Sarah took a step back as Hilmi slowly getting near her.
"You will pay for this. I won't tolerate this anymore" Hilmi was about to punch Sarah on the face but ended up punching the wall instead.
"Get out from my face. Don't ever let me see your face ever again or it will be last time you can see the world" Hilmi warn Sarah as she ran with frighten from him.
"What have I've done. Y/n, please....don't leave me" Hilmi kneel down as tears fall down on the floor.

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