Wait for me - Nadhir Nasar

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TW: Suicide attempt.

"Hey, Nadhir" you called out his name.
"Ya, sayang?" He sweetly smile at you.
"I love you" you said that made him blush madly.
"I love you too" he reply and gently caress your head.
"I wanna say sorry for all the stuff I've done that hurt your feeling" you said that made him frown.
"I forgive you. Yeah, we have our ups and down but that is how relationship goes. I will always accept you for who you are. As you accept me with my flaws" he said and gave a light kiss on your knuckles.
"I'm also sorry to you if I ever hurt your feelings" he said.
"I always forgive you, love" you smile.
"Nadhir, I'm feeling sleepy" you tiredly said.
"Wanna go sleep now?" He ask and stood up to fix your bed.
"Please stay by my side?" You ask after lying down on your bed.
"I will always be here" he said while holding tightly on your hand.
"See you later" you smile and slowly drift into slumber.
"See you later, my love" he said and gave a light kiss on your knuckle then rest his forehead on top of his and yours hands.

Soon after, he is standing with your picture frame on his hands. Peoples you care were surrounding your grave as they all stare at your coffin that is slowly lowering in your grave. He raise his head to see your family member were grieving by your death. He look back at your coffin and he want to cry so badly but no tears was streaming down from his eyes. He was the last person to see and talk to you.

After you were buried in your grave, little by little people was going home including your family but not him. He stayed.
"Nadhir, aren't you going home?" Your big brother ask.
"I will stay here for a while." He said.
"Stay strong. I know it hard to accept this but let be strong for her, okay" your big brother said and Nadhir just nod along.

After everyone left, Nadhir sat beside your grave.
"I'm sorry, y/n. Please forgive me" he sadly said while caressing his left palm on your grave.
"I hope you are somewhere more peaceful" he said.
"I will always remember you, my love" he said before leaving.

A year past by, Nadhir was still acting as himself and was going well with his life but that what they think. As soon as he arrived home, he will feel lonely, depress and still grieving over your death. He feel as if there is no life without you. He did try few attempt to end his life but he didn't dare to do so after remembering your face. He was scared that if he did so, you will be disappointed at him and he didn't want that to happen but he was feeling miserable without you.

So he will always write some letter to you. That was the only way for him to communicate with you and try to keep his mind in a stable state. Few months past by and he was slowly getting better, that was he think.

"Nadhir, it's been almost 2 year. Don't you want to try meet someone new?" His friend, Afiq ask.
"I don't know" he shrug.
"I bet that y/n will be happy for you if you try to go meet someone new. You need to socialize with people. You've been isolating yourself" Afiq said.
"I will think about it" he reply with a small smile.
"You can always ask for my help if there is something bothering you, okay?" Afiq pat Nadhir back.
"I know. Thanks bro" Nadhir nod.

After the meeting with Afiq, he straight away went home. Nadhir went to his bedroom and sat by his desk. He took out a single paper and a pen.

Hi, my love. How have you been? Do you still remember Afiq? I meet him today and we talk a bunch of things. He also told me that I should start moving on from you and meet someone new. I wanted to but I still couldn't let go of my feelings for you. No matter who I meet, they will always remind me of you. I miss you very much. I miss your smile, your laughter, your hugs, your jokes, your cheesy pick up line, your cooking even thought sometimes it can get burn.

Nadhir chuckle at the last sentence and then something fall down on the paper. It was water, so he look up if there is something leaking from above but then he realize his cheek was wet.

"Am I crying?" He ask himself and wipe his tears from his cheeks.
"Damn....after almost 2 years. I finally cried for you?" He sigh at himself and cried all night.

The next morning, he woke up with red and puffy eyes. He let out a deep sigh and went to the bathroom. He stare at himself at the bathroom mirror.
"Y/n..." He whisper your name at the sight of his necklace that you gave on your first anniversary.
"I miss you so much" he tightly grab on the bathroom sink.

Soon after, he fill up his tub with warm water. As he was sitting down on his tub, he was staring blankly at the bathroom wall. He slowly slide himself down in his tub. He can feel the water was slowly covering his face. Then he stop midway and now staring at the ceiling.

"Please wait for me, my love. Forgive me for doing this. I hope you will hold me with open arms like you always do. I'm coming to you now" he said his last word before drowning himself in his own tub.

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