Latte - Izhan

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You recently move to a new place because of your work. One of your coworkers told you that there a cafe nearby your neighborhood so you decided to check it out. Somehow, the cafe feel homey to you and the smell of fresh brewed coffee relaxed you. You walk to the counter to meet a tall, brown skin, long medium hair,guy that features kinda resemble like a cat.

"Oh! Hello, You're a new customer? What drink are you ordering?" He warmly greeted you.
"I will like a hot latte please and I will be drinking here" you said.
"1 hot latte is coming right up" he said while clicking on the tab to key in your order.
"That will be 10 ringgit" he said and gladly accept the money you handed him.
"May I ask why you assume that I'm new? " you carefully ask him.
"Oh! It's because our regular customers usually come by to our cafe. Since it's quite a small neighborhood so we know most of our customers already" he explain.
" I see..." You nod at his explanation.
"You can take a seat while waiting for your latte. " he politely pointed at the seat behind you.
"Okay" you said before walking to take a seat.

After 5 minutes of waiting, your latte have arrived along with a (favorite cake).
"I didn't order this?" You pointed at the cake he gave you.
"It's on the house for our new customer. " he smile.
"Are you bribing me " you teasingly ask him.
"I might be? Welcome to our cafe, my dear soon to be regular customer" he playfully wink at you making you giggle at his act.

After a year, you had become a regular customer at his cafe. Everyday, you will always come by and order latte at his cafe. You even got to know that he's the owner of the cafe, his name is Izhan and he's 3 years older than you. Sometimes, you will also do your work or even just hang out at his cafe. When he's on his break, he will go talk to you about random things that always manage to make you laugh.

It's been awhile you feel such warm feeling with someone. You really like spending time with Izhan and slowly develop feeling for him. You try your best to hide your feeling but as times past by it grew bigger and you eventually decided to confess to him.

It was the day you want to confess to him. You even wore your favorite dress that day. As you were walking toward his cafe, you saw him standing there near the counter. You were getting closer but stop your track after you saw a woman standing infront of him. She have a slender figure, wearing a red dress that compliment her figure, her long hair is light brown that curl perfectly at the end. She even have the face of a model that you usually see on television. You were curios what relationship she have with Izhan.

Izhan notice you outside of his cafe and immediately walk toward you. You didn't notice him until he greeted you and pull you inside the cafe to face with the stunning looking woman. She eyed you from head to toes then look back at Izhan.

"Let me introduce you my girlfriend. Her name is Y/n. We've been dating for a year now" Izhan suddenly blurt out nonsense to your ear.
"You're lying. She's  nothing like me. She's not even your taste. What do you even like about her" she scoff that send an arrow straight to your self esteem.
" she's beautiful inside and outside. She have the biggest heart unlike you. She's sincerely love me for who I am and not for my fortune." Izhan state that made you blush.
"Tch! Do she even know the real you. Do really you think she will stay with you when your father is involves in this." She annoyingly roll her eyes.
"Well..I don't care. I am still your fiancé, Izhan. Let's see who will win in the little game of ours" she grin and then gave you a glance before walking away form there.

You turn your head at the side to see Izhan frown. He immediately  change that frown to a light smile for you.
"I'm sorry I got you into this mess. I didn't think this through" he said making you more worried about him.
"Do you mind explaining the whole situation?" You ask and he nod.

He explain that he actually come from a wealthy family. His father whom own a big company at the city want him to took over in the nearest future. His father even engaged him with Hani who is the daughter of another big company owner. At first, his relationship with Hani was good until he found out that she was cheating on him so he wanted to break the engagement but his father refuse to do so.

"I began to rebel my father to not be the next heir of his company and run away from home. I manage to keep it low key for 3 years but now she have found me and even told my father my whereabouts" he sigh deeply at the thought of going back to his father house.
" I'm sorry to hear that, Izhan. 3 years have pass by...maybe your father have change his mind?" You try to cheer him up.
"He's a stubborn man. He will always get what he have matter what the consequences are and now I have lead you in this mess. I'm sorry, y/n" he apologize to you.
"Don't be sorry. There must be a way to solve this problem and I'm here to help you" you said with determine.

A week later, you come by to his cafe to see him sitting at the table with a middle age man wearing a suit while his back facing you. You watch how they were talking, it didn't seem like they were arguing but you did notice how Izhan had a confusing look on his face. Soon after, the man stand up and walk out from the cafe, he meet eye on eye with you. You gave him a small polite bow before disappearing from your sight.

You walk in and sat in front of Izhan. He was in daze and didn't even notice you had come in. You gave a light knock infront of him to gain his attention.
"Huh? Oh! Y/n?! When did you come in?" He ask, still in daze after talking with his father.
"A second ago. So how did it goes with your father?" You ask.
"It actually when well. I was planning to go berserk on him but after he said that he will cancel the engagement with Hani, I froze. He even told me that I have a choice to want take over his company or continued working at my cafe" he told you.
"So what do you choose?" You ask.
"I'm still thinking about it. I love working here but there is half of me want to be a good son to my father and take over his company. But if I decided not to take over he told me that my older sister will handle his company instead of me" Izhan explain.
"That's good news!" You happily cheer for him.
"Yeah it is but it just seem like a dream you know. It's like my father suddenly change overnight" Izhan was in disbelief with the whole situation.
"It might be still shocking to you but I'm glad everything worked out well in the end. I told you that he might change in the last 3 years" you smile.
"Thanks, y/n for all the support you up gave me. I might have not manage to go all through this without you" he was thankful to you.
"That is what friend are for" you said but he disagree on that terms.
"Other than a friend. I actually want us to be more than that. This might sound cliché but the day I introduced you as my fake girlfriend really made me realize how I feel about you and today I want to ask you if you're willing to be my girlfriend?" He shyly ask while rubbing the back of his neck.
"I too been wanting to ask you if you want to be more than friend, Izhan. I will love to be your girlfriend" you smile while holding his hands.

After talking about your relationship with him, you got a call from someone.
"I have to take this" you pointed at your phone.
"Take your time. I will go make latte for you" he said.
"Thank you" you said after pulling him near to gave him a light kiss on the check that made his cheek bright red.

You went outside to take the phone all from your older brother.
"I did what you asked me to do." He said from the other line.
"Thank you and it was a success. Later, I will treat you food for helping me" you thanked him.
"You do know that it wasn't easy to persuade that man to make such absurd deals. I have to threaten him by stop sponsoring for his company" you brother sigh.
"Good...if he agreed to stop the sponsor, his company will plump down within days. It was a good choice for his to accept the deals" you chuckle.
"I can't believe that this evil mastermind is my little sister. You treated a grown old man just for a boy?! Seriously, y/n??" Your brother grown at your action.
"Hey! He wasn't being a good father to him and plus it's a win-win situation for all of us. You get to help you lovely little sister, I get to help my boyfriend, he get a happy ending and his father get to keep his company running smoothly " you said making your brother unbelievable with your mind.
"You better introduce him to us later on" your bother said and you agreed.
"And you better keep this a secret to your grave. If Izhan ever finds out about this, I will literally kill you" you treated him making him gulp in nervousness .
"Okay okay. I even made a deal with his father to keep this as a secret so you don't have to worry a thing about it" your brother reassure you.
"Thank you!!!! I promise I will treat you a big dinner later. I have to go now. Bye bye" you said before hanging up.

You happily went inside the cafe to see Izhan was sitting at the table waiting for you.
"You look extremely happy...Who was it?" He ask.
"My brother and I'm happy because I have such gentle and good looking boyfriend" you sat sitting beside you.
"Well, I'm a lucky guy to get a girlfriend this amazing" he warmly smile at you.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now