Hi - Nadhir Nasar

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You were helping your mother and your aunts preparing food for the guests later. It was a party gathering for family and friends so you have invited some of your friend along. The party was going well until he come.

One of your closest cousin, Alex finally arrived and he brought a friend with him. He saw you first and greeted you with a hug.
"Long time no see, y/n!!" He said after giving you a tight hug.
"Meet my friend. Nadhir this is y/n, my cousin from my mother side and y/n this is Nadhir a friend of mine from university" he introduce you to him.
"Hi" you both simultaneous greet eachother.
"Nice to meet you, y/n" he held out his hand for a handshake.
"Nice meeting you too, Nadhir" you accept his handshake and somehow you could feel electricity run down your veins from the handshake.

After the encounter with him, you went back to your group of friends while your cousin bring Nadhir to go meet other family member and get some food. Your will sometimes take a quick glance at Nadhir and one of your closest friend, Lia noticed it.

"Falling for a guy already?" She teasingly nudge your side.
"what?! No." You awkwardly decline and avoid her stares.
"Yeah right. So who were you staring at? Hmm? The trees?" She raise her eyebrows.
"No one and absolutely not tress! You're just hallucinating things, Lia" you shook your head while playing your glass of water.
"Y/n, he's coming here!" Lia nudge you and you immediately turn your head toward him.
"Where?" You ask but soon realize what she just did to you.
"Lia!!" You slap her arm.
"See! You like him~" Lia giggle at your blushing face.
"Ish! I'm going to the toilet" you narrowed your eyes at Lia before excusing yourself but accidentally bump into Nadhir.

You were shock at what you just did. His jacket got wet from the drink he was holding. You quickly grab the nearest tissue and wipe it off butting got stain.
"Y/n, it's fine. I can do it" he said but you were in panic.
"No..come here. Follow me to the restroom" you said and pulled him there.

Meanwhile the others.
"What just happen?" Alex ask Lia while pointing at you pulling Nadhir inside the house.
"I don't know but I'm betting that those two will end up together" Lia said and showed 10 ringgit in front of Alex.
"I'm still confuse by the whole situation but I'm in" he smirk and accept Lia's bet, then the rest followed.

While you asked Nadhir to take off his jacket for you to clean it.
"Y/n, seriously...it's fine. It's only my jacket that got wet" he reassure you but you insisted for him to give you his jacket.
"Okay. Here" he gave in and gave his jacket to you.
"Thank you" you said and start cleaning his jacket at the sink.

While you were trying to remove the stain, you didn't realize that he was staring at you with full admiration. He find its cute that you insisted to clean his jacket even tho it wasn't partly your fault it happened. He was also amaze how determine you were to lean him a hand. He then notice your hair was covering your face so he gently push a few strain of your hair to the back of your ear. You stop and turn your head toward him.

He then realize what he just did and blush while looking at the side. You were also a blushing mess and continued cleaning his jacket. After washing and drying it, you were proud of yourself that you manage to remove the stain. You gave his jacket back.

"Thank you very much, y/n" he said while shyly rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's nothing and sorry for almost ruining your jacket" you awkwardly chuckle.
"It's fine." He smile and that manage to make your heart melt.
"I better get going" you were about to leave when he stop you.
"Do you wanna talk for a while? I bet Alex is talking with your other cousins and I don't want to disturb him....and I don't have any friend here other than him" he said and you agreed to stay with him for awhile.

You pull him to an empty couch to sit at and you both start to talk. It always been awkward for you to start a conversation since you weren't use to talk with someone you just met but somehow you felt comfortable talking with him. Without you realizing it, you and him have been talking for hours. Until Alex and Lia disturbed you both.

"I have been looking for you!" Alex said to Nadhir and sat beside him.
"Sorry, I got caught up talking with y/n" he smiled at you.
"And you... Having fun?" She whisper the last part that made you slap her tights.
"Ow!" She hiss in pain.
"Sorry to break the happy vibes but we should get going" Alex said and Nadhir nod along.
"Really? Now?" You said with disappointment.
"Why? You want Nadhir to stay here with you?" Alex raise an eyebrow at you.
"It doesn't hurt to stay for a little longer" you pout while mumbling your words.

Nadhir actually heard few of your words and find it cute that you wanted him to stay longer. He wish he could but he have to got home now before its get too dark.
"We will meet again" he said that a made you raise your head with full of joy.
"Really?! I meant can we?" You ask while staring at him the to your cousin then back to him.
"Sure. Why not?" He gently caress your head that made your cheeks heat up.
"Ok ok...that enough. Let's go bro before we get stuck in traffic jem." Alex pat his friend's shoulder.
"Alright" he said and stood up.
"Bye, y/n. See you soon and bye to you too, Lia" he wave goodbye to you both.
"He knows me?" Lia point at herself.
"I told a lot about you to him" you teasingly said that made her gave you a light slap on your back.
"Only the good things. Don't worry" you giggle at her reaction.
"Btw, did you got his number?" Lia ask that made your eyes widen.
"You silly girl. How can you forgot?" Lia sigh while pinching the tip of her nose.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm so stupid!" You scold yourself.

But then suddenly your phone rang.
"Wait what?" You were surprised to see who texted you.

Hi, y/n. Sorry for forgetting to exchange number with you. This is Nadhir and I got your number from Alex. I had a great time with you today and hope to spend more time with you soon. Thanks for accompanying me today and also thanks for telling me a lot of funny stories. It's been a while I laugh so hard and I hope that later I can make you laugh too. See you later ❤️

After reading the text, you squeal happily while hugging Lia out of excitement.
"Someone extremely happy today" Lia pinch your cheeks.
"Hehehe" you cheekily smile at her.
"I guess so" you bite your lower lip and reply his text with full of joy.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now