Ismet Brothers - Naim Ismet & Fakhri Ismet (Naim Ending)

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Since that day, Naim have been distancing himself. You didn't know what you did to him for him to act that way. You can sense that it have to do with you but you don't know what the cause for him act such way. Every time you asked him if he wanted to hangout he will always make excuse saying he have other things to do. You don't blame him that he's busy but you feel somewhat sad and empty that you couldn't spend your off days with him. On the other hand, you politely reject Fakhri confession. At first he didn't took it well but after a few days he told you that he understand your decision and stayed as friend.

It science period and Mr Sin assigned you all to be in a pair. Luckily, you were assign to be pair with Naim. You have been dying to find the perfect time to talk about why he's acting such way and that time was the time. As soon as Naim took a seat beside you, you lightly poke his shoulder to get his attention but he won't budge.

"Y/n, pay attention to class" he whisper but eyes still stayed on the white board.
"I want to talk to you about something" you whisper, ignoring his words.

He stayed quiet after hearing that sentence. You notice his expression change to nervousness. He decided to not heard you and ignore you. You were frustrated with his action so you nudge him at the side but he still won't budge until you pinch his arm.
"Ouch!!" Naim yelp.
"Serve you right for ignoring me!" You glare at him.
"Naim Ismet and (your full name), please do not disturb the concentration in our class." Mr Sin warn you both.
"I'm sorry" you both apologize.

You didn't stop there. You kept on pressuring him to talk with you until he lost his patience.
"Okay fine!!!" He accidentally raise his voice at you making the whole class attention move toward you two.
"That is it. Detention for you two. Naim and y/n will clean the school hall after school. End of discussion" Mr Sin declare making you two sigh.

After school, you two headed to the school hall to clean it. You were carefully following Naim from behind because you were actually taken aback by his sudden outburst during science period. You know you were at fault for pressuring him but you just couldn't stand these tension between you two anymore. After entering the hall, Naim handed a broom he took from the school storage room.

"Naim...about earlier. I didn't mean to make you mad. I was just..." You were cut off by him.
"It's fine. I'm sorry for raising my voice at you" he said but not looking at you.
"Let's just finish this as quick as possible" he said as he start to sweep the floor.

You didn't argue him and followed his footstep. The hall was finally clean.
"We did a great job" you sigh in relief with your cleanings.
" let's go back" he said, walking ahead.
"Wait! Naim...lets's a great time to..." You were cut off by him again.
"I'm really tired, y/n. Let's just talk another time. I'm not in the mood" Naim exhaustedly frown at you.
"Oh...okay" you nod, watching him walking away from you.

Fakhri somehow was there to see how sad you looked to what Naim had said to you. He slowly walk toward you and hang his arm around your shoulder but it didn't surprise you.
"Y/n?" Fakhri softly called out your name.
"Oh...its you" you gave him a small smile.
"You feeling okay?" He ask.
"Yeah..just tired from cleaning the school hall" you reply.
"Hey, is between you and my brother okay? You two seem tense lately" Fakhri also notice the tension between you two.
"We're good" you lied.
"You know I can help you" Fakhri offer to help you between Naim.
"There's no need. We're good. I assure you" you said with a smile while your eyes were so sad.

Later that night, Fakhri went to go Naim dorm.
"Oh! Fakhri? What are you doing here?" Amir ask.
"Amirr..where's Naim?" Fakhri ask sounded abit angry.
"He went to the toilet. He will be back soon. Is everything okay? You look angry" Amirr curiously ask.
"There's  something I need to deal with Naim" Fakhri said.
"Deal with what?" Naim ask from behind.
"You! What did you do to y/n to make her so sad??" Fakhri was on edge to lose his temper.
"I don't know what you're talking about" Naim bump onto Fakhri shoulder to walk to his bed.
"Don't say you don't know bout this! You're hurting y/n! I know you keep on ignoring her for a couple of weeks." Fakhri raise his voice.
"Just stay out of my business and please be quite..its night time" Naim annoyingly said.
"Stay out of  your business? Y/n is my best friend!!! When she's involve in this shitty act of yours, I surely will not stay out of it. Now tell me why are you doing this to her!" Fakhri grasp onto Naim collar.
"Hey! Enough with this! Fakhri calm down and Naim what is going on?" Amirr butt in, trying to stop the fight.
"It's because you like her!!! SIAL LAH!!!" Naim confess before pushing Fakhri off him.
"You what?" Fakhri frown.
"I like y/n!!!! I have always have feelings for her but then after knowing you like her too and you have confess to her just made me angry about myself that I lose my chances to be with her!" Naim frustratedly ran his fingers through his hair.
"Pondan" Fakhri spat those word directly at Naim.
"What did you just call me?" Naim irked by that term.
"PONDAN LAH..SIAL!" Fakhri insult Naim.

Naim didn't hesitated to punch Fakhri right across his face and it lead into a fight between those two. Amirr manage to separate them with the help of ayam.
"What the hell happened?" Ayam ask, confuse with the whole situation while holding Fakhri back.
"That stupid coward is the cause of all this!!! He stupidly ignore y/n just because he was afraid of rejection!!! He chicken out and decided to hurt her instead of telling her how he feel!! Stupid bastard!!" Fakhri yell at Naim.
"Just shut up!! I did it because of you!!! I ignore her because you like her too!!!. I also know that I'm a coward! I know I'm  stupid and I'm weak! But I was just protecting myself form the pain" Naim said.
"Bullshit!!! change that and be a man!!!! Step up your courage and tell y/n about your feeling instead of hurting her, coward!" Fakhri angrily told Naim.
"I..." Naim beginning to hardly breath properly.

Fakhri notice it and slowly try to calm himself down. He walk toward Naim and help his brother to breath properly. Fakhri let out a deep sigh.
"Just tell her your feelings. You two have always been understanding each other feelings so why not with this topic? You two have a different bond that even I can't achieve it with her" Fakhri said making Naim rethink his action towards you.
"For your information, she rejected my confession." Fakhri said making Naim face Fakhri.
"I'm sorry to hear that" Naim said.
"Yeah...I've move on. So if you wanted to know how she truly feels about you tell her your feelings. There's might still be a chance for you to be with her?" Fakhri try to cheer Naim up by giving him hope.
"I don't know" Naim shake his head.
"Be a man, bro...I know it's hard but if you never try you will never know the answers to your questions" Fakhri said making Naim agree to his words.

The next day, you greet the Ismet brother but were shocked by the bruises on their face.
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED WITH YOUR FACES?!" You examined both of their face.
"It's nothing...there were just a brotherly fight" Fakhri said.
"What kind of brotherly fight was it that you two have bruises on your face!!??" You angrily ask.
"Yours is the worse!" You cupped Naim cheeks to pull him closer to you.
"I'm fine..its nothing" Naim reassure you.
"You left eye is purple and your lip got cut! How strong was Fakhri punch anyway?!" You said before giving Fakhri a death glare.
"Naim will explain everything. I think I'm going now" Fakhri said before running away to avoid being killed by you.
"Let's talk. Hm?" He hold onto your hand.
"O..okay" you followed him to a more silent area.

He took you at the place at the school blind spot. After taking a sit beside him, he explain everything what happened between him and Fakhri, why he ignored you and also about his feelings for you. You stayed quiet after listening to his explanations.

"Y/n? Please say something" Naim tilt his head toward you and notice you were crying.
"Hey...don't cry..why are you crying?" Naim gently turn your head to face him as he wipe your tears away.
"This is all my fault. You two got hurt because of me. You're in this state because of me. I'm so sorry!!" You cried out loudly.

Naim was sad to see you break like this. He pull you into his embrace and tightly hug you while softly caress your back to soothe your emotion.
"I'm sorry..." You mumble those words under his shoulder.
"I know and I forgive you. It wasn't entirely your fault. It's also my fault for being a coward" he said.
"You not a corward!" You break the hug to face him with your red puffy eyes and your runny nose.
"You're a mess" he chuckle while sipping your tears and runny nose with his handkerchief.
"I'm telling're not a coward. You're the bravest man I know in this world! You're not scared to share your feelings with me and you're always there to cheer me up when I'm down." You said.
"But I hurt you for a couple of weeks. I didn't confront you about my feelings and let you get hurt because of my action. I'm not brave as you think I am" Naim sadly look down.
"I know...its hurt me but I can understand why you acted such way. You did it because you have the responsibility sense as an older brother. You sacrifice your won feelings for Fakhri. You lock away your own feelings because you didn't want anyone to get hurt by it. You're braver than you think, Naim. It's hard to be the oldest child in the family but sometimes it's okay to get spoil for yourself." You said making Naim tears build up.
" you're making me cry" he rest his forehead on your shoulder.
"This isn't the way I want to confess to you. I'm so embarrassed" he said.
"Then how about I'm the one making the first move" you said making his raise his head up.

You hold both of his cheek and wipe his tears away.
"I like you, Naim Ismet. Do you want to go out with me?" You confess making his smile from ear to ear.
"Yes! I like you more that you can imagine!" Naim said, pulling you into a big warm hug.
"I'm so glad to hear that" you giggle by his reaction.
"You don't know how happy I am now" Naim happily said.
"I think I know because this also make me happy" you smile that you and Naim are finally together.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now