The truth - Hilmi Zulkarnain

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School holiday have ended and you have to go back to your asrama. After you arrived at your asrama ground, you were attacked by two of your best friend.

"We miss you!!!" Jaja said while rubbing her cheek on yours like a cat.
"I miss you girls too~" you giggles at her cute gestures.
"Yo!! Y/n" someone call you from behind.
"Aizat!!" You were happy to see your cousin have arrived as well.
" mom asked me to give this to you" he handed you a bag of cookies in a jar.
"Woah!!! She bake my favorite! I will call her to thank her later. Thanks cuzz~" you fistbump with him.
"Welcome" he pat your head before going to his girlfriend, Aidaa who is one of your best friend.

You were talking with Jaja while looking around for someone. Jaja notices your behavior and give you a look.
"If you're searching for Hilmi. He hasn't arrive yet" Jaja teasingly said.
"Wha?! What!!! Nonsense...I'm not searching for him...I'm searching for our... Our warden!" you exaggerate.
"Yeah right" Jaja roll her eyes at you.
"I'm telling you the truth! I can't wait to go in our room and lie down" you try to make Jaja believe you.
"Hmm...oh! There's Hilmi" she point behind you so you quickly turn around to be greeted by Botol.
"'s only you..hi Botol" you heartlessly greeted him.
"What with the heartless greeting, y/n? Aren't you happy to see me???" He pout.
"She's actually waiting for Hi.." Jaja was about to say his name until you covered her mouth.
"You better shut it or I won't share my cookies with you" you threaten her so she immediately nod her head.

30 minutes later, the warden have organize all of your room and to your luck you got to be in the same room with your 2 best friend. However, you still haven't seen the sight of Hilmi. Aidaa and Jaja notice your sad expression so they try to cheer you up by telling you jokes but it only lasted for a short period.

Later that night, you texted him on why he hasn't arrived but there was no reply nor accepting your calls so you try asking your cousin. Aizat told you to not worry about it, he was sure Hilmi will come tomorrow so you try to think positively about it and think that he isn't ignoring you.

You actually had confess to Hilmi during the school holiday but he haven't told you about his feeling towards you yet. You don't want your confessed to be the reason why your and his friendship to get ruined.

The next day, it was the last day of school holiday before school start and you still haven't seen Hilmi anywhere. You are now eating at the canteen with your friends and they notice you haven't touch your food.

"Y/n, are you gonna eat that? " Botol point at your untouched food.
" here" you push it for him to eat and he gladly accepted.
"Why the long face? Did something happen? Are you sick?" Aizat concernly ask you.
"Nothing, I'm fine. I think I'm gonna go take a walk " you said before standing up.
"Ok" they said before you walk away.

As you were walking around the school, you stop at the school soccer field. You sat at the seating area while facing the field.

"Where are you, Hilmi?" You sigh deeply before held your head up.
"Y/n" a voice that you have been longing to hear called your name.
"Hilmi!!" You quickly stand up to see him standing infront of you.

Out of excitement you jump on him, attacking him with a hug.
"I thought you wouldn't come!!!" You said.
"Why wouldn't I come. I still have to attend school, dummy" he chuckle.
"Why haven't you replying or accept my calls? Do you know how worried I was about you that you didn't arrived yesterday?!" You pull out from the hug and now staring at him.
"About that...the thing is I accidentally drop my phone in the pond while fishing with the fam" he rub the back of his neck.
"I just got my phone fixed yesterday so that was why I didn't replied not accept your call. Sorry" he apologize.
"You got me all worried about you! Thanks god you are here in one pieces" you sigh in relief.
"Y/n...can we talk?" Hilmi ask and you immediately know what he want to talk about.
"Sure" you said and sat down.

He sat beside you. You can tell he feel nervous because he keep rubbing his palm on the side of his trouser while looking around nervously.

"I know you're going to talk about my confession to you" you bluntly said that made him nod.
"What is it that is in your mind? I know you been dying to ask me questions" you said.
"I actually do but first and foremost...Why me?" He pointed at himself.
"To be completely honest with you. I actually don't know either. Weird isn't it? I keep searching for the main reason why I fall for you but I couldn't find the actual reason for it." You shrug.
"I bet there are some reason why" he ask.
"I guess, I found you kind, supporting, funny, confidence on a lot of things, smart and many more of your positive traits. However, there is also some of your flaws that caught my attention, like you're cute when you get clueless at things you don't know and you also apologize straight away when you accidentally get mad at someone." You smile while talking about him.
"The truth is I was actually shocked when you confess to me. I actually thought you like Daniel" Hilmi said making your eyes grew wide.
"Daniel?! I do find him attractive but that isn't the reason for me to like him. I just admire him as a good person, you know" you explain.
"I know..." Hilmi replied.

Then it turn silent between you both. You were waiting for him to say something more but he still keep his mouth shut.
"You know...if you don't have the same feeling for me, I won't hate you. I understand it. I can accept rejection but to be honest it will take times for me to heal from it though." You nicely tell him.
"Will you still stay friend with me even if I reject your feelings?" Hilmi turn his head to face you.
"Of course! I can manage to push my feelings away. I'm use to it!" You show him that you are strong to withstand the rejection.
"Are you sure?" He ask.
"Yes!! Just believe in me!" You said with full confidence.
"You have always been like this. You're always trying to make others feel good while you hurting yourself" Hilmi state that a made your smile drop.
"So..I'm asking you this again. Are you really sure about it?" Hilmi ask that made you shed tears.
" hurt so bad...I'm not sure if I can. I'm sorry" you cried.

Hilmi pull you into his embrace. He gently caress your head to comfort you. After you've done crying, you slightly push him off you.

"Sorry for crying" you apologize while wiping your remaining tears.
"It's okay to cry when you're no longer can't hold it in. I'm sorry to for making you cry" he apologize.
"It's not your fault. Come on, let's go meet the others. They haven't see you right? Aizat and Botol must be excited to see their best friend have arrived" you cheerfully said.
"I actually have met them before coming here to see you" Hilmi explained.
"Huh?" You stare at him confusingly.
"I actually wanted to tell you that we have mutual feelings for each other but I just wanted to confirm it to see if you truly want to be with me and I assume that you actually are. According that you cried just now" he nervously chuckle.
"So you made me cry for that?!" You irritatedly stare at him.
"I didn't say it like that but it does show that your feeling is true" Hilmi nervously smile.
"I take my feelings back! I don't want to be with you!" You hump and stand up.
"Y/n...aww come on..please don't be like this~ please"  he plead with his puppy eyes.
"You're lucky that I found you cute or else my hand have already slap your cheek" you roll your eyes at him.
"Thank you sayang!!!" He said that made you blush
"Are...are we official now?" You shyly ask.
"Are we?" He innocently tilt his head that made you pout at him.
"Hehehe~ I love you, sayang~ from now on we are officially girlfriend and boyfriend. Sounds good?" Hilmi bend down to your height and gently pat your head.
"Hmm....I..I love you too" you shyly reply his love back.
"Aww~~ my sayang is so cute" he wink at you that made you blush redder than a tomato.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now