Our little secret - Hilmi Zulkarnain

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The day have already turn dark and you are sitting alone at the corridor that is not far from your asrama. You stare at the dark yet filled with shining star, being mesmerize by the beautiful night sky.

"You know that you shouldn't be out at this time. If our warden found out about this, you will be in big trouble" a male voice warn you from your side.
"Don't worry...it's still 9. I still have an hour before I have to go in my room" you said looking up at him then pat the empty space for him to sit beside you.
"I shouldn't be here with you. If we get caught, we are dead meat" he said but sat down anyway.
"Let's think that later and just cherish this moment" you smile at him before resting your head on his shoulder.

You and him stared the beautiful night sky as minutes past by. You didn't realize it was near 10pm until his phone rang.
"Is Aizat calling you?" You ask.
"No. I actually set an alarm to remind us of the time" he cheekily smile.
"Are you that afraid to get caught?" You gave him a disbelief face.
"I am the ketua Pelajar for a reason" he cockily smile at you.
"Ketua Pelajar my ass" you snorts at him before standing up.
"Hey...y/n wait" he held your wrist.
"What is it?" You raise an eyebrow.
"Where is my goodnight wish?" He innocently ask.
"Oh! Is the ketua Pelajar asking me...a no tittle student for a goodnight wish?" You point at yourself.
"For a no tittle student...you are quite annoying but luckily you are cute since you are my girlfriend" he gave a cynical smile.
"And you're also lucky that you're my loving boyfriend" you also give him a cynical smile.

You pull him by the collar and gave him a peck on cheek.
"Goodnight, sayang....See you tomorrow, ketua Pelajar ~" you whisper before leaving him star struck.

The next day, you are sitting beside Jaja while talking about things with her and Aaida. The boys just come by and greeted you 3. Hilmi secretly place a lollipop with a small note attached to it. You secretly took a look at what the not wrote.

"Good morning, y/n. ❤️"

You genuinely smile at the small note he gave you. You raise your head and eyed him. You secretly gave him a wink as a sign that you read his note and also a sign of thank you for the lollipop. He shyly covered half of his face with his palm to hide his blushing state. You two are actually in a secret relationship. It was a mutual decision because you don't want any attention drawn to you or him, especially him since he is given the tittle of ketua Pelajar in your school.

After the first period ended, your class teacher come by to tell your class that you will be getting a new student. She let the new student come in and to your surprise, it was your childhood friend.

"Joshua?!" You accidentally called his name out loud.
"Y/n, you know him?" Your class teacher ask and you nodded.
"Good! You can show him around school after class and helped him be familiarize with our school." She ask.
"Okay teacher" you agreed to her and gave a smile at Joshua.

Little did you know, Hilmi was watching the whole scene with jealousy. Without him noticing it, his eyebrow was furrowing and if he can shot laser from his eyes, he won't hesitate to laser Joshua on the forehead. He can sense that something is gonna happen between you and him because of Joshua. He doesn't know if it's a bad thing or a good thing but he doesn't like the feeling of it.

It was now recess time, your friends asked if you wanted to join them but you decline and said that you wanted to catch up with Joshua. They respectfully accept your decision but Hilmi wasn't having it. You have him a reassure look that it's gonna be okay so he gave in and gave you an okay look.

Later on, school ended. You told him you will wait for him at the corridor near his asrama to show him around school. As you were waiting for him, someone tap your shoulder from behind.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now