It's You - Nadhir Nasar

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(This story was inspired by Ali Gatie - It's You)

"Do you want to be with me forever, y/n?" He ask out of the blue.
"What?!" You choke on your water.
"Be careful, silly" he chuckle and wipe your lips with a tissue then lightly pinch your left cheek.
"I'm you want to be with me forever?" He sweetly ask you.
"Are you serious right now?" You ask with disbelief.
"Yes. Why? Do I look like I'm joking about it?" He raise an eyebrow.
"Cause you always joke around, Nadhir!" You state that made him chuckle.
"I got a point but I'm being serious right now. I want to spend my whole life with you, (your full name)." he said with a serious expression.
"How about you. Do you want to be with me forever, y/n?" He ask again and you nod.
"Yes. I would love to!" You reply joyfully at his question.

It's been 5 years, you and Nadhir have been dating and also was planning to get married. However, there were obstacles that you are going through. You keep hearing rumor about Nadhir is cheating on you but he reassure you that he isn't and told you to believe him. You tried to push all those rumors away but something telling you that Nadhir is lying at you.

You weren't so sure because his affection for you never once chance. However, he will alwayssometimes stay on his phone and smile at random texts he got. He will always say to you that he's reading messages from his fans and friends but you weren't so sure about it. You nod along to his statement but you weren't feeling good about it and stayed suspicious about him.

You didn't want to invent his privacy and sneak on his phone because you know he will not like it. Until one day, he left his phone at your apartment. It kept on ringing and you saw it laying on your living room couch. You saw the name of caller was 'Sarah'. You weren't so shock because you know he have some friend who are girls. You were about to ignored it but then you saw her text to him.

'I miss you. When will we meet again, babe?' - Sarah

Your eyes widen by the words and were heart broken to think that the rumors were actually true. You slowly stretch your hand toward the phone but later heard a knock on your front door.
"Y/n, you're home?" He ask.
"Yeah. Wait a minute" you quickly opened the door for him.
"Hi! sorry but I think I accidentally left my phone here" he awkwardly said.
"Oh! It's on the living room couch" you pointed at the place.
"Thanks!" He said and went to get his phone.
"You going somewhere?" You ask as he is now standing beside you at your front door.
"Yeah. I'm meeting some of my guy friends at the mall" he said.
"Are they someone I know?" You ask.
"Huh?'s my high school friends. I haven't introduce you to them but maybe I will. Later" he awkwardly smile.
"Really. Ok then. Have fun and take care" you said with a smile and he gave you a nod.
"I will. Bye, sayang" he sweetly smile at you and gave a gentle pat on your head before leaving.

You close the door and slide yourself on the door. You hug your knees together and rest your head on top of your knees.
"Why do you have to lie like this to me?" You cried.
"Please let this be a dream" you plead, not wanting to accept reality.

Later on, you stayed the same when you're around Nadhir. You didn't know how to tell him that you know and deep inside you were fuming with anger and just wanted to punch his face. You couldn't do so because you still love him so much. You were disappointed, angry and feel betrayed by him. Every time, you see his face or hear his name, the text you saw will always float in your mind.

Then you decided to follow him from behind to really see if he's really cheating on you. You could always ask him about it but you don't dare to do so because you know he will lie about it and try everything to make an excuse to you. You are now following him in a mall that you and him rarely go. You quietly follow him and was shocked when a girl suddenly showed up by hugging him from the side.

"Sarah?!" You were shock to see the 'Sarah' he's going out is actually one of your close friend.
"Hi, love" you heard him greet her.
"You keep me waiting so long" she pout cutely that made you want to puke at her expression.
"Sorry, but here I am" he said before planting a kiss on her forehead.
"Why do you have to break my heart like this, Nadhir" you whispered as tears start to form in your eyes.

Ever since you found out, you keep on following them and see how sweet they were with each other. You feel as if your world have crumble down to know that the man you love and one of your close friend is going out behind you. The betrayal you feel was massive that making you want to punch the hell of them both.

Then you couldn't take it any longer as you watch them walking hand in hand while staring at each other with love in their eyes. You walk infront of them and remove your hoodie. You can see the shock on their faces.

"Y/n!" Sarah gasp.
"Sayang?" He was shock to see you standing in front of him.
"Surprising..isn't it?" You said and pointed at their intertwine hands.

They quickly pul their hand apart and Nadhir tried to explain but you shoot a death glare at him.
"Stay silent before I make you" you clench your jaws then change your glare at Sarah.
"Y/n, I can explain" she said.
"I'm listening" you said but she stayed quiet.
"Why? cat caught your tongue" you intimately stare at her.
"Y/n, please let's talk about this" Nadhir was about to hold your wrist. 
"Don't touch me!" You accidentally raise your voice that gain some stares from bystander.
"Y/n..." He whisper your name.
"I believe on you. I believe on you both but seeing this happening. Don't you know how much it hurt me. Don't you both ever think that this will hurt me?!" You angrily glare at them both.
"I'm sorry" Sarah mumble but it was enough for you to hear.
" were one of my close friend. How can you do this to a friend?!" You shove her.
"Y/n, enough!" Nadhir accidentally raise his voice at you and shield Sarah.
"Now, you defending her? Who have been there for you when you were nothing, Nadhir? You met her 2 years ago! I have always been there for you but here you're doing this behind my back? What happen to the promise you made? Living happily with me? Building a family together? Saying I'm the only woman that you will love but now I'm seeing you with another woman and even defending her ?!" How the hell do you think I will feel about it!!!" You scream and  was about to slap his face.

You saw him not moving from his position and was ready to take your slap. You stop before you hand hit his cheek. Your tears start to steam down heavily. You pull your hand and look down.
"Y/n?" He said his name and that made you want to cry even harder.
"Pick. Is it me or Sarah?" you ask.
"Y/n, let's talk about this." He said.
"ME OR SARAH?!" You raise your voice at him.
"Sarah!" He answered your question.

You were so shock to hear that the name he said wasn't yours. You were hoping that he will say your name but instead he said another woman name. You were so disappointed at him and face him with sadness in your eyes.
"Congratulation to you both. Sarah, you can have him. I'm no longer in his life nor even in his heart" you said and bite your lower lip to hold your cry.
"But you no longer my friend"  you said to her and see the guilt and sadness on his her expression.
"You. Let's end this and move on. Goodbye" you said to Nadhir and left.

After you left the mall, suddenly you heard your name called from behind.
"Don't turn around" you say to yourself.
"Please don't leave" he manage to catch up to you and hold tightly on your wrist.
"You pick to be with her" you said, still not facing him.
"I was wrong. I'm sorry, y/n. Please give me another chance" he plead.
"If you know that someday this will happen then why do it in the first place?" You ask with a hint of annoyance.
"I was stupid and was consume with pleasure. Please!! Please don't leave me and let's start over. I can't live without you, y/n. I love you so much" he desperately said.
"You just realizing that? You were living just fine with her a moment ago?" You sarcastically said.
"Y/n, please. It's always been you that I love" he kneel down.
"Please don't break my heart. Trust me that I will make sure to not hurt you again" he said as tears start to stream down on his cheek.
"I've been broken by a lot by guys and I always feel so safe and comfortable when I am with you. I thought it have always been you but I was wrong." You said and pull him to stand up.
"I forgive you but I will never forget how you have broken me into pieces. Let's end this. Goodbye, Nadhir." You said and left for good.
"I'm so sorry, y/n. Please....please comeback" he grip his shirt on his chest area.

You never once turn back to him and drove away from here.

Nadhir Nasar (IMAGINES/FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now