Chapter 1

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My alarm went off for the last day of Junior year. I groaned and rolled over to the otherside of my bed. I opened my eyes as the sun blasted my face.

"What the fuck," I said, covering my face with my blankets.

"School," Veronica said, pulling the blankets from me.

"Few more minutes," I groaned.

Veronica put her hands on her hips, "If you don't get your pretty ass up I'm going..."

I interuppted her, "I'm getting up," I said, sitting up in my bed.

"Good," V said, turning to leave. "Kev said he wants you at the Alibi after school."

I groaned again and walked over to my dresser. I grabbed out some black jeans and a sweatshirt, I put my hair in a messy bun and saw V walking to the Gallaghers.

I grabbed my phone off my nightsand, threw on my shoes and walked over.

"I'm here," I said, flinging open the door.

"Hey kid," Fiona said, putting lunches together.

I sat down at the table next to Carl and Debbie, "So Debs you excited for your last day of middle school?"

Debbie looked at me with a grin, "Sure,"

I smiled and watched as Carl was staring at me, "Whatcha looking at weirdo," I flicked the top of his head.

Carl muttered, "Bitch"

Ian was walking down the stairs, his face lit up, "Fancy you showed up," He said, walking and grabbing a waffle that Fiona just set on the plate.

"Wasn't like I was forced out of bed without my own free will," I said, looking at V.

Veronica shook her head and turned to Fiona, "This is who I live with,"

I smiled and looked at Ian, "We should get a head start to school," I said, standing up from the table.

"Okay," Ian said, he shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his lunch. We walked out the front door.

"So got any plans for this summer?" He asked, as we walked down the sidewalk.

"I think I'm going to the outer banks, why?" I asked, wrapping my arm into his.

Ian shrugs his shoulder and we walk down an alley to the Milkovitch house. Mandy walked out and smiled as she ran over to us.

She wrapped her arms around me tightly, "Girl, I'm gonna miss you this summer,"

"I'll be back Mandy," I said, hugging her back.

"I know just your gonna miss me beating," She hits Ian's arm softly, I smiled.

"I'm coming back in July," I said, letting go of her.

Ian asked, "July? Isn't that early for you to come home?"

I looked up to him, "Yeah. I want to spend time with all of you. Is that a bad thing?"

We started walking, "I think it's great!" Mandy said cheerful.

Ian shook his head, "I do too. That way we can all have a Gallagher summer."

I laughed and saw Micky walking down the side of the street with a gun. We walked faster when we got to a stoplight.

"Lips coming back tonight," Ian said, crossing the road.

"I leave this weekend," I smiled.

"Gallagher summer party?" Mandy grinned.

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