Chapter 2

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I walked out of my house back over to the Gallagher's about 20 minutes later, I walked in and there were people everywhere, some were in the pool outside, some in the living room, kitchen, and some upstairs that Lip were kicking out. 

I walked over to where Ian was talking with some people. They all looked at me so I headed into the kitchen to grab a drink. 

The music started blasting, people were dancing, the party was getting started. I saw Mandy walk outside with this guy, she was grinning as he was rubbing his hand on her ass. I shook it away and drank whatever alcohol I could find. 

Time skip - Around 11 o'clock at night

I stood up from the couch, my head spinning and feeling nausea's, I saw some people still dancing, I felt a hand wrap around my waist, I went to turn and saw a blonde boy smirking. 

"Get your hands off me," I said, pushing his hands away from me. 

"Come on Lynn, I know you've been wanting this for a long time," He said, pulling me closer and pushing his dick into the back of me. 

I pushed him off but his grip got me, I felt my eyes getting heavy and stomach turning, he started dragging me upstairs. I then felt him let go and I got pushed to the floor, I opened my eyes to see Lip punching the guy. 

"Don't ever put your hands on a woman, especially her!" He screamed as he made his nose bleed. 

I watched as they fought, Ian finally ran over and grabbed Lip off the guy. Ian kicked him and the guy was holding his nose as he went out of the front door. Lip walked over to me and picked me up, he carried me upstairs to his bedroom. He sat me on the bed and closed the door behind him.

I watched as he took his shirt off and pulled down his jeans, looking for something. He found sweatpants and pulled them on, he looked in the mirror and ran his fingers through his hair, his eyes met mine and he turned around to face me. 

I looked at him as he sat down next to me, "Do you have a shirt I can sleep in?" I asked. 

Lip grabbed a shirt off of his floor and threw it at me, I sat up slowly and went to take off my shirt when I turned to Lip, "Can you not look?" 

Lip grinned and turned around, I took off my shirt and bra throwing on Lips shirt, than I took off my leggings, I took the blankets he had and wrapped myself in them. He turned and layed down next to me.

"I haven't seen you this drunk," He said, pushing the hair behind my ear. 

I curled up and placed my hands together under my chin, "I haven't gotten this drunk before," I was slowly closing my eyes. 

Lip turned on his back and stared at the ceiling, I felt myself drift off to sleep. 

Time skip - Next morining

I woke up to the sound of Fiona yelling for breakfast downstairs. I groaned as I turned and felt Lip's arm drape around my waist, his fingers slowly moving. I turned to face him when he opened his eyes. 

"Do you have any aspirin?" I asked, quietly. 

Lip nodded and said in a deep morning voice, "Yes, Oak I do." He grabbed a box off of his nightstand and handed it to me along with a water. 

I sat up slowly and put my hand on my head, my head was pounding. I took the aspirin and laid back down. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Lip was staring at me. 

"May I help you, Mr. Gallagher?" I said, looking over to him. 

"No, Miss. Ball" He said, with a deep voice. 

The Toxins ~ Lip Gallagher × Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now