Chapter 13

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Time skip - Next day

I rolled over hitting my head against someone else's head. I opened my eyes and saw I was in my room at John B's. I looked over and saw JJ.

His eyes opened as he held his head, "Ow," He said.

I laughed, "Sorry. Uh how'd we get back here?"

He laughed rolling on his stomach, putting his face into the pillows, "I dragged you here, you were hella drunk,"

I slapped my forehead, last night was a blur except the one thing I wish I could forget. I sat up and walked to the bathroom staring at my messy brown hair in the mirror. Why do I do this to myself? That's all I kept thinking. 

I knew I couldn't be with him, but knowing deep down I loved him. Yes, we are toxic but I couldn't help it. I needed to talk to someone about it, but who? 

Then there was a knock on the bathroom door, I turned and opened it seeing Sarah. 

"Everything okay?" She asked. 

I nodded and walked to the kitchen grabbing a cup of coffee, my head was pounding. I sat down on the couch next to John B, "Morning," He smiled. 

I smiled, "So did you get applied?" He asked. 

"Yeah I did the paperwork a few days ago, I'm going on Monday," 

"Good," He laughed. 

JJ walked out of my room as he ran his fingers through his hair, he jumped and sat next to John B and I on the couch, "So what's the plan for today?" 

"Nothing, I need a break," I laughed. 

JJ smiled, "Then nothing it is," 

Time skip - Monday morning. 

My alarm went off, I sat up and groaned. I got out of my bed and headed to get ready. As I finished up JJ opened my door, "I could have been naked," I joked, walking out of my room. 

"Oh well," He shrugged. 

We hoped in the van and headed to school. As I got out I saw everyone turn. Have they never seen a new student? I thought. 

I walked inside, I knew this school like the back of my hand, mainly because over the summers Ward would bring Sarah and I when he brought Rafe to summer school. Sarah and I constantly ran around the halls. 

I walked over to my locker when Sarah came up behind me, "Hey," 

"Hey Sarah," I smiled. 

Then a group of girls were walking by snickering and laughing. I overheard one of them, I mean they didn't even whisper, "That's the girl that slept with Rafe Cameron at the party this weekend," 

Then the other said, "How could he like her, she's such a..." 

I turned and cut her off, "A whore? Slut? Bitch?" 

The blonde girl gulped, "Excuse you?" 

"I couldn't but overhear you talking shit about me? You don't even know me," I said, crossing my arms. 

Sarah's jaw dropped, "Lynn, let's go," She grabbed my arm pulling me into the girls bathroom. 

"You slept with Rafe!" She yelled. 

"Yeah, I did," I yelled. 

"What? How? When? I thought...." She began. 

"It just happened, but I told him it wouldn't again. Look I don't know what's wrong with me," I said, leaning on the counter. 

The Toxins ~ Lip Gallagher × Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now