Chapter 12

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Time skip  - Next day. 

My eyes began to open as there were lights, I looked around to see I was in the hospital. I heard faint voices as someone came to my bedside, I turned to see Kev. 

"She's awake!" He yelled. 

The doctor came rushing in to exam me, then he smiled as he took Kev out of the room, I looked around. No one else was here. Kev walked back into the room. 

"Dad?" I asked. 

"Hey kiddo," He said, walking up and sitting in the chair next to my bed. 

"Where is everyone?" I asked, looking around. 

"Back at the air bnb, I told them to stay," He said, running his fingers through my hair. 

"How did I get here?" I asked. 

"Me, how are you feeling?" He asked. 

"Better, my chest doesn't hurt," I said, rubbing my chest. 

The doctor walked back in with a clipboard, "Miss me?" He laughed. 

"Hey, I didn't fall off a boat this time," I laughed. 

"Have you been feeling chest pains, shortness of breath, dizziness, anxiety, or stress?" Doc asked. 

I nodded, "Well the results came in and you have a panic disorder, I can prescribe some medication to help," He said, looking at his clipboard. 

"Is that necessary?" I asked. 

"If you want to keep visiting, yes," 

"Nope, not doing it. I know what medications do to people, not happening I said," I said, sitting up. 

"Kid," Kev said. 

I looked at him, "I'm 18. I can do what I want, and I want to leave," I said.

"If that's what you want," The doctor nodded. 

"Now," I said, beginning to stand up. 

Time skip - Later that day Oaklynn was sitting in her room in the air bnb. 

As I sat in my bed, I looked out the window, I watched below as everyone was playing in the pool. Did I over react? Losing Rafe was the hardest thing and I just put myself through it again, I kept thinking. 

There was a knock on my door and before I could say anything it opened and shut quickly, "Lip?" 

He turned, "Hey, everything good?" 

"Yeah, what are doing here?" I asked. 

He walked over and sat at the edge of my bed, "Look sorry for attacking your boy," He laughed. 

"That doesn't sound like your sorry," I laughed. 

He laughed, "You sure know how to pick them," 

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah I should have left you a long time ago," 

He turned and looked at me, "Look I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lead you on, my fault. But we can't go around hating each other we kinda have the same family," 

"I never said I hated you, I was just pissed," I shrugged. 

"Glad we cleared that up," He smiled. 

I looked down at my legs then back up, "Yeah," 

Lip stood up and walked out of my room, I fell backwards onto my pillows, god why was I still thinking of Rafe. I hated that I loved him. Then my phone went off, Kev texted that he needed to talk. 

The Toxins ~ Lip Gallagher × Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now