Chapter 10

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Rafe and I sat there and talked. We talked about everything that had happened between us. I don't understand why I sat there but I did. Maybe JJ was right, I wanted to be over him I just don't know how to.

"Look we don't have to be anything I just want you to be in my life," He said.

"I don't want to be in a relationship with you, I just can't."

He nodded, "You don't have to be,"

"Maybe we can be friends again, it just takes time Rafe,"

"I'll wait for as long as you need, I promise," He said, grabbing my hand.

"I have to go," I said, standing up.

I walked down the stairs and out of the house, I walked back to the air bnb and smelled fire, and heard laughing coming from the backyard. I ran to the back.

Kev looked over as he was drinking his beer, "I thought you were with your friends?"

"Decided to come back," I said, sitting down as Fiona handed me a drink.

We all sat and laughed for the night, it was amazing having them here.

Time skip - Next Day! Oaklynn's 18th birthday!

I yawned as I felt the hot sun beaming on my face, I sat up and saw everyone fell asleep outside in our chairs and on the grass. I laughed as I headed inside, I got to the kitchen and jumped when I heard the fridge slam.

"Jesus," I said.

Lip turned to me, "My bad," He said, drinking coffee.

I looked to Lip, "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty damn good, who knew the island had all these hot chicks," He grinned.

I rolled my eyes, "Enjoy it while they think your rich," I said, walking up to my room. I threw on a black crop top, blue jean shorts and my pink swimsuit underneath. I walked downstairs and out the door I went.

I walked to the Cameron's, Ward opened the door, "Oaklynn! What are you doing here,"

I explained why I was there and he pulled me into a hug, "Happy birthday, come in,"

Ward practically dragged me to the dining room table, Sarah, Rafe, Rose, and Wheizze where sitting and waiting for breakfast, "Sit,"

I smiled, sitting down in the seat in between Sarah and Rafe, "When did you get here?"

"Yesterday, now may we have the grandest meal for a very special young lady," Ward said, to the staff.

"Thanks, but.." I began.

He interrupted, "Now it's your big 18, I'm going to go all out rather you like it or not," Ward said, pointing to me.

I nodded as I know not to argue with him, I felt as Rafe's eyes were on me, Sarah said, "So got any plans?"

"I don't think so, but I need to get back soon. My family will be worried, they planned the trip," I said.

"Aw, well text me whenever, John B wants to go on the boat," She smiled.

"Last time I was on that boat I went to the hospital," I laughed.

"Well I'll keep you safe, I promise," She smiled.

We all sat and ate, Ward and Rose went to work, Wheizze went to a friends, and Sarah ran out the door as soon as we finished eating. I was walking when I heard my name and someone grab my hand.

I turned to see Rafe, "I got you this,"

I looked at the little black box, "You didn't have to,"

"Yes I did," He mumbled.

The Toxins ~ Lip Gallagher × Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now