Chapter 4

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Time skip - Oaklynn and Rafe fell asleep after the night of having sex, it was around 11am

I woke up to bright sunlight beaming in my eyes, as the birds chirped. The heat started making me sweat. I open my eyes fully to see Rafe. His arm was wrapped around me, his hair was all a mess on his face, I smiled as I brushed it away. 

He opened his and smiled. He said in his morning voice, "Good morning, beautiful," 

I smiled, "Good morning, handsome," 

He placed his hand on my cheek and brushed a piece of hair behind my ear, he leaned in and kissed me gently. I looked down and realized I didn't have any clothes on still. 

I felt his shirt behind me, I grabbed it quickly and threw it on, I laid back down and I noticed he was putting his boxers back on. 

I stared up at the ceiling as he laid next to me, "That really happened?" I asked. 

Rafe grabbed my face and faced it towards him, "Did you not like it?" He asked. 

"Yes, I liked it. I just can't believe it actually happened. I mean hell I've had a crush on you.." Rafe cut me off with a kiss. 

"Just shut up, and enjoy the moment," He smiled. 

There was a loud bang from downstairs, Rafe jumped up and threw on his pants and ran downstairs. I ran after him, Sarah was picking up a vase that was shattered on the floor. 

"What the hell?" Rafe said, throwing his hands up. 

Sarah looked up at me, she stood up, "Why the hell are you wearing my brothers shirt?" 

I looked down and back up to her, "I wanted to be comfy," I said. 

Sarah faces dropped and filled with angrier, she walked out the house, slamming the door hard. i ran after her and yelled, "Sarah! Wait!" 

As I was running down the driveway after her, I saw the gang in the van, "Sarah, please!" 

Sarah turned around, "What! Lynn!" 

"I can explain," I said. 

"Explain what! That you fucked my brother!" She screamed, I watched behind her as the groups eyes widened. 

"Sarah!" I said. 

"There's nothing more to say! You seriously think I want to talk to you after hearing my best friend slept with my brother, after you promised you wouldn't!" She screamed, throwing her hands up. 

"Look.." I began, Sarah cut me off. 

"Go to my brother! I mean might as well because he's going to be the only one who wants to be around you!" She said, turning around to the van. 

I grabbed Sarah's arm, "Sarah, please. I think your overreacting!" I yelled. 

"I'm overreacting! Are you kidding me!" Sarah screamed, throwing her hands in the air and opening the van door. 

"I'm sorry!" I yelled, as Sarah got in the van and told John B to go, he drove off. I felt my fist clench, I started walking up the driveway, I had an awful feeling in my gut, I was angry. 

I walked back up to the porch where Rafe was grinning and leaning on the railing. 

"What?" I asked, walking up the stairs. 

"That was fun." He grinned. 

"Fun? That was Fun? Does this look like a joke to you?" I asked, confused.

Rafe laughed as he shook his head heading inside. 

"Rafe!" I yelled, following after him. "You have got to be kidding me?" I said, grabbing his shoulder. 

He turned around and held my wrist tight, "Lynn, shut up!" He said. 

My face got hot as Rafe was squeezing  my wrist a little to hard, "Your a dick!" I yelled. 

Rafe's face filled with anger as his grip got tight, I yelped a little as he pulled me close to him, "If you want her to ruin this than fine, we're done. Go off and have Sarah control your damn life!" He yelled, in my face. 

"Rafe, please let go of me, your hurting me," I said, trying to pull my wrist away. 

Rafe let go as his eyes widened, he looked down, my wrist was all red as his finger prints are slowly fading. Rafe looked back up to me, "Lynn, I'm sorry." He said, grabbing my face gently. 

"I just don't want everything to be over, with you and her," I said, looking down. 

"Look, I'll talk to her, give her space," He said, lifting up my face to look at him. 

I nodded, "I'm going into town today," I said. 

"That'll be fun," He said, letting go of my face. 

I walked passed him up to Sarah's room, I grabbed a black bikini top, and blue shorts. I threw my hair in a messy bun, and put my contacts in. I grabbed some sandals as well as my bag and walked downstairs. 

Ward was in the kitchen, "Where you off to?" He asked. 

"Going into town," I said, closing the front door behind me. 

I walked down the driveway and to the sidewalk. I was walking when some kids threw a ball, I caught it and threw it back smiling. The warmth of the sun and the birds chirping was refreshing. 

I walked up to this diner, I walked in and sat at a booth. A waitress came over, "What can I get you?" She asked. 

She looked familiar, "Uh, what's the cheapest thing?" 

"Fries," She said. 

"I'll take those," I said, grabbing out my phone and laptop. 

She walked away when I looked at a picture Kev sent me, it was of V and him saying how much they miss me. I laughed as I set it down, keeping the screen on. I went on my laptop and hacked into the system to steal the wifi. 

The waitress came back and set down a water, spilling it, I picked my laptop up and my phone quickly, "What the hell," I said. 

"I'm so sorry," She said, wiping the table. 

I looked up at her, "It's okay," I said. 

She ran to the back when a brunette women came out of the kitchen, walking over to me. I made eye contact with her and knew who it was immediately. 

"Oaklynn," She said, standing next to the table. 

I couldn't believe who it was, the manger yelled from behind the desk, "Avery! The dishes won't wash themselves!" 

Avery turned, "In a minute!" She then turned back to me, "Do you remember me?" She asked. 

"M..M...Mo...." I began, I grabbed my bag and ran past her quickly out the door. I ran until I got far from the diner, my heart was racing, my head was pounding, my thoughts crazy. I sat down on the sidewalk, putting my laptop and phone in my bag, then putting my hands on my head. 

I felt someone sit next to me, I looked up to see JJ, "Hey, you okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah," I said, standing up and running away, I got to this alley and took out my phone to call Kev, my voice shaky, I felt like crying but I couldn't. 

On the phone - 

Kev - Hey kid. 

Me - Kev... my voice shaky. 

Kev - What's wrong? He sounded worried. 

Me - I just saw my mom. I hung up the phone. 

I paced back and forth as Kev kept calling me, I don't know what to do. I thought to myself, should I talk to her or should I just forget and move on?

The Toxins ~ Lip Gallagher × Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now