Chapter 8

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Time skip - First day of Senior year!

My alarm went off, I groaned turning and shutting it off, I stood up walking to the bathroom. I got all my bathroom stuff done and headed to my closet.

It was hot still so I grabbed black jean shorts, a baby blue cropped tank, and my converse.

I got completely ready and headed down the stairs, I walked to the kitchen where V, Kev, and the girls were preparing the table.

I yawned, "V? Why are you up this early?"

V turned around while mixing the eggs, "The girls have daycare and we wanted to see you before the big day!"

I smiled slightly as I went to sit down, I looked at the girls and made a silly face. Both the girls laughed.

"So you excited?" Kev asked.

I nodded not looking or saying a word. I love Kev but I don't know what to say right now.

I watched as Kev and V looked at each other. The front door busted open.


I turned to see the red headed boy I loved, "Yes Ian?"

"Fionas boyfriend offered to give us a ride," He said.

"Who this time?" I said, smiling as I stood up.

"Jimmy Steve," Ian said.

"There back, together?" I asked, grabbing my bag off the couch.

"Yeah. Let's go before he leaves us," Ian smiled.

I turned before walking out the front door, "Bye V, bye girls" I looked at Kev, "Bye Kev, see you later,"

Kev stood up and walked over to me wrapping his arms around me, "I love you kid,"

I smiled and hugged him back, "I love you Kev," I stopped hugging him and off we went to school.

Time skip -Oaklynn, Debbie and Ian are walking home after school

"So Debs how was your first day of hight school?" I asked.

Debbie looked at me, "Fine," she said.

Ian cocked his head, "Debs you sure?"

Debbie turned quickly and threw up her hands, "It was fucking fine! God why does everyone have to know my goddamn business!" She then ran out of sight.

Ian and I turned to each other, "Well..." Ian began.

We turned the corner to our houses, "I'll see you later Ian," I said, running over to my house.

I walked inside, no one was home. I walked up to my room. My phone went off, it was a groupchat, called the pouges.

JJ - There I added her.

Kie - good

Me - hi?

JB - hey Lynn

Sarah - Lynn! Your alive!

Me - why wouldn't I be

Pope - u stopped texting

Me - I was super busy

JJ -  with??

Me - a lot

Sarah - so how is my brother

Me - idk did you forget what happened.

Sarah - shit sorry

JJ - what happened?

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