Chapter 7

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Time skip - End of summer. School is starting tomorrow. 

My phone went off, I groaned not wanting to answer it. Then Kev walked into my room, "Kid, your shift at the Alibi today," 

I groaned, "I know, wait what time?" I said, lifting my head out from under the covers. 

"3, V and I have a doctors appointment for the babies," Kev said, with a huge smile. 

I smiled, I was so happy for them, "Don't worry, I'll be there," 

Kev nodded as he walked out of my room, I grabbed my phone to see texts from the group chat, Like always JJ and John B were arguing about something. Gosh, I miss them so much. 

I stood up and walked to my dresser I threw on jean shorts and a black tank top, it's crazy how Junior year starts tomorrow. I walked downstairs into the kitchen, I opened the fridge and grabbed out some orange juice, and bagels. 

I heard the door slam open, I looked and saw Debbie, Carl, Ian, and Lip all barge in, "What the fuck?" I asked, sipping my orange juice. 

"Emergency," Debbie said, running over. 

"What?" I questioned, looking at Lip and Ian. 

"Fucking Monica," Lip said. 

"She's back," Ian said. 

I choked on my orange juice, "What the fuck?" 

"Yeah, we had to tell you," Carl said. 

"Well what is Fiona doing about it?" I asked. 

"She isn't home, she's working," Debbie said. 

"Well you guys can hide here, I have to be at work in a few hours." I said, walking to the living room and sitting on the couch. 

Debbie came and sat next to me, as well as Carl. I looked over at Lip, he seemed pissed, "Lip, come here," I said, standing up and walking into the laundry room. 

Lip followed behind me, as I shut the door, "Look she's not going to be here long, you know that," 

Lip was angry, "I know, I just fucking hate how she comes in and thinks she can come and go like a fucking whore bag she is!" He yelled. 

I walked over and covered his mouth, "Lip, be quiet god damnit, Debs and Carl are kids, and they don't need this," I said. 

Lip yelled, "I can't fucking calm down....." I interrupted him. 

I don't know what came over me in this moment in time, but I grabbed his face and kissed him hard. I felt his arms wrap around me as he pushed me into the dryer, he took my legs and made me sit on top of the dryer. 

I felt his hands traveling as we kissed with passion. He grabbed my waist inching me closer, I pulled away from kissing as I felt his hot breath go to my neck. I felt his hands grip the buckle of my shorts, ripping them. I didn't want to stop. He threw off my shorts and instantly went down. My head coked back as it felt amazing, he then came back up and took off his shorts, at that moment in time we were fucking in my laundry room. 

Lip grabbed his pants and I pulled mine up as I jumped off of the dryer. We looked at each other and didn't say a word, we just nodded as Lip walked out. Debs, Carl and Ian were all upstairs. 

I walked upstairs as they were peeping out the window I walked over and saw Fiona, Frank, and Monica arguing. 

"I can't believe this," Ian muttered. 

I sat my head on Ian's shoulder, "Let's not let this bother us, we have to let Fiona deal with it," 

"I have to do something about it," Lip said, walking downstairs, I heard the front door slam. 

The Toxins ~ Lip Gallagher × Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now