Chapter 5

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Time skip - Oaklynn went home and it is now 2 weeks later. Sarah hasn't spoken to her but her and Rafe have gotten mighty close. Oaklynn is sitting on Rafe's bed.

Rafe walks out of his bathroom with a towel around his waist, water droplets falling from his hair, his abs tight as he looks at me, "Are you staring?" He asked. 

"Matter of fact, I am," I said, moving to the end of the bed. 

He walks over and stands over me, he places his hands on my head, lifting it up to look at him, "Take a picture it'll last longer," He whispered in my ear, as he slowly pulled away gently pressing his soft lips against mine, he grinned pulling away. 

I smiled as he walked to put on his boxers and sweatpants. I was looking at my phone while he came and jumped on the bed, "Got any plans today?" He asked, grabbing my thigh. 

I looked over at him, "I don't think so, why?" I asked. 

He grinned, "I want to take you to the country club," 

"The country club? Isn't that where rich kids go because they are forced against their will?" I asked. 

Rafe laughed, "If Sarah told you that, you are so fucking wrong. Yes everyone is rich, but most of us enjoy spending time with kooks instead of those pogues," 

"Wouldn't I technically be a pogue, I mean if you look at it," I said. 

Rafe didn't respond, he then took his hand and ran up my thigh, he gripped it and smirked, "What?" I asked. 

He leaned over and kissed me hard, he moved his hand to pin me down the the bed as he took his other hand rubbing it up and my side as he grinded on me. He stopped kissing me and went tp my neck, he kissed down my body now at my stomach. He kissed it gently then looked up at me before he went to my underwear line and just took off my pants and shit. He started doing things. 

Time skip - Oaklynn and Rafe finished and now just sitting in his room

Rafe looked at me, "Country club? 

I looked at Rafe, "Sure," I got off his bed as he followed. We walked downstairs and Sarah was in the living room with John B, Kie, JJ, and Pope. 

Rafe looked at them, "What the hell are the pogues doing here?" Grabbing his coat. 

Sarah turned to look at me, "What the hell is she still doing here?" She crossed her arms. 

I looked at Sarah, "Oh come on! It's been 2 weeks you can't possibly still be so mad at me!" 

"You have been fucking my brother!" Sarah screamed. 

JJ sat on the couch, "Here we go again," He muttered. 

"God, your right I have been, and I'm sorry the way you found out! Look if you hate me that much than fine, be that way!" I screamed, grabbing my bag from the ground and walking out of the house. 

Rafe followed after me, grabbing my hand, "Are you okay?" 

I stopped walking and looked up at Rafe, "Yes! Rafe Yes! I'm so great! Absolutely fucking fantastic!" 

"Goddamn," He said. 

I continued walking down the driveway, Rafe got on his motorcycle, "You coming?"

I looked at him, "Can we go to a diner, I'm not in the mood for fancy shit,"

Rafe nodded as he patted the seat for me to sit down, "Where we going?" He said, I sat on the back of the bike, "I'll just tell you the way to the place," I said. 

We pulled up to a diner that I've been before.  Rafe stopped the bike and got off, "You do realize we are on the pogue side, right?"

"So?" I said, getting off the bike and taking off my helmet. 

The Toxins ~ Lip Gallagher × Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now