Chapter 6

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Time skip - Hospital 

I felt my eyes slowly opening, the bright lights were blinding my eyes. I caught my breath when I slowly looked over to Sarah and Rafe standing next to me, Sarah was holding my hand as Rafe has his hand gently set on my head. I heard voices around me. 

I opened my eyes fully and went to speak, but Sarah interrupted, "OMG! I'm so happy your okay!" 

"What happened?" I asked. 

The doctor came over, "You hit your head pretty hard on that boat side, luckily you have friends that dragged you out of the water, if you were in there any longer you may have drowned," 

I looked around and saw JJ, Pope, and John B all sitting on the couch, I saw Ward, Wheezy, and Rose walk into the room. Wheezy ran over and hugged me. 

I looked up at Rafe and smiled. He didn't look happy. 

"Where's my phone?" I asked. 

JJ stood up and handed me my phone, "Thanks, JJ" I slightly smiled. 

"No problem, Lynn," He smiled, walking back to John B. 

The doctor was messing with the IV's. Give her some space," He said. 

They all stepped away except for Rafe, he wouldn't leave my side. 

I looked at my phone to call Kev, I needed to tell him what's going on. Then the door slammed open, I looked up quickly to see Kev! His eyes were darting and he looked terrified. He ran over to me and hugged me tight, I tried with all my might to hug him back. My eyes were filling with tears, I needed this. 

Kev let go and grabbed my face, "Your not broken are you?"

I laughed, "No Kev, I'm okay," 

He hugged me again, "I was worried sick about you," 

"I'm sorry," I said, quietly. 

He let go of me, "As long as your okay, I'm okay," 

"I love you, Uncle Kev," I said. 

"I love you, kid" He said, smiling. 

"Where's V?" I asked.

"She had to stay home, which that makes this question better, are you staying here or coming back with me?" He asked. 

"I want to come home," I choked, out as I started coughing. 

Rafe looked angrier now, ward noticed.

Kev nodded as he let go of my hand. 

"Can all of you give me some space, I'm tired," I said, rubbing my eyes. 

The doctor nodded, "Well visiting hours are over," He looked at Kev, "You may stay in the next room of you would like, considering you are the legal guardian," 

Kev nodded as everyone walked out of the room, Rafe was about to leave when I grabbed is hand, "Stay," I whispered. 

"Really?" He asked. 

I sat up, with a sharp pain in my head, "Please," 

Rafe stood next to me, I scooted over on the bed and patted for him to lay next to me, he smiled and laid on the bed. He took his hand and tucked my hair behind my ear. 

"Am I in bad condition?" I asked. 

"No, Lynn. They are keeping you overnight, you have a concussion and water did fill your lungs pretty bad. Which explains the cough. You should be perfectly fine tomorrow," He said, kissing the top of my forehead. 

The Toxins ~ Lip Gallagher × Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now