Chapter 3

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Time skip - The morning of Oaklynn leaving for the outer banks

I felt someone lifts my covers off of me, I opened my eyes startled, I sat up and saw Kev.

"Get..." He looked down and covered his eyes, throwing the blanket back over me, "Eww. Get ready I'm taking you to the airport," He said, walking out of my room.

I sat up and stepped on Lips shirt from last night, I looked down and I remembered everything that happened. I walked over to my desk where I left out black sweatpants and a hoodie. I threw them on, I looked around and I grabbed my glasses off of my dresser. I walked over to the mirror, I started at myself, my brown hair messy, my brown eyes in my glass, my hand resting on my stomach as if I wanted to push it in. I hated how I looked, I got out of my thoughts and threw my hair up in a messy bun.

I walked over and grabbed my suit case, book bag, stuffed bee, and my pillow. I walked downstairs where Kev and V were sitting at the dinning room table talking.

Kev looked over at me, "You ready kid?"

I nodded and I walked over to where they were sitting, Kev stood up and hugged me, "I'll be back I promise," I said, hugging Kev in return.

Kev stopped hugging me, "You just haven't been there in almost 2 years, I'm gonna miss you being around at the truck and the Alibi."

"Don't worry, I'll call," I said, smiling.

V walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me, she whispered in my ear, "Don't worry Hun, I got him,"

I whispered back, "I know V," I pulled away from the hug.

"Well, looks like you better stop by the Gallagher's before heading to the airport," V said, looking at Kev then back at me.

I shook my head, as I grabbed my bags that were sitting on the floor, I walked outside, the morning hair filled my lungs, the smell of rust, oil, and drunks. I walked over to the Gallagher's. They were all downstairs when I walked in.

Debbie came running over to me, she hugged me tightly.

"Hey, Debs," I said, hugging her back.

"Jeez Debs, let her come say hi or something," Fiona said, laughing.

"Sorry," Debbie said, letting go of me.

"Your fine, Debs," I said, smiling.

Ian walked over to me and hugged me, Liam followed, as well as Fiona. Fiona turned to Carl.

"I'm coming," Carl said, walking over to join the group hug.

Kev and V walked inside and immediately walked over to the group hug.

"Squeezing a little too tight," I said. They didn't release from the hug.

Lip walked down stairs, "What's going on?" He said, looking at us.

Ian looked at Lip, "Lynn's leaving," He looked back at me.

"Right, cool," Lip said, walking to the fridge and grabbing out a beer.

They all released from the group hug, Fiona looked at me, "Gonna miss you coming in every morning for the summer,"

"Guys, it's not like I'm leaving forever. I'm coming back," I said.

Lip said very loud, "Why would you, I mean the Cameron's are super fucking rich. Stay with them, become one of the rich bitches,"

I looked at Lip, "I don't want that,"

"Why? Leave us all behind and start a new life with a new family that gives you everything you dream of," Lip said, taking a sip of his beer.

"I don't go there for that, I go there to work and bring money back for our families." I said, my voice tensing.

The Toxins ~ Lip Gallagher × Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now