Searching, crosschecking and making a list

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"Wait, wait, guys, I've found something," Tony exclaimed loudly as he wiped his hand through the air to turn the globe JARVIS was showing in the air.

"What? What did you find?" Steve asked, quickly getting up from his chair and nearing Tony, careful not to affect the hologram in front of them.

"I don't know, but there's something here," Tony muttered, zooming in on a heavily bewooded area.

"That's Siberia, isn't it?" Bruce asked, glancing at Tony, who didn't appear to even hear him.

"Stark, what exactly do you see?" Natasha asked, Tony licking his lips before answering.

"I'm not sure. The satellites picked up something big, that's all I know. It has to be an aircraft of some sort to be so visible in spite of the trees, it has to be above the trees, it has to be," he repeated quietly, moving his hands quickly to get a sattelite view of what looked like a black smudge on the picture.

"That's good, it must be in some kind of register," Bruce pointed out.

"Good point. JARVIS, check all registers you can find of aircrafts, and hack the customer databases of anyone who sells anything that could be used for building one illegally in the last five years. What the hell, the last ten," Tony decided instead.

"Searching, crosschecking and making a list, sir," JARVIS replied back politely.

"What exactly is finding the manufacterer going to help us with?" Steve questioned; "All we need is to know where it is and to go there."

"It's not that simple, it's on the move, and it makes no sense that we couldn't pick it up until just now. It didn't appear out of thin air, so why didn't we see it before?"

"Do we know the extent of Loki's abilities?" Natasha questioned thoughtfully; "Could he be able to hide something that big?" Before anyone could reply, a red notice signal flashed besides the map Tony had as a hologram in front of them.

"Tony?" Steve asked, glancing at the genius for an explanation.

"We lost sight of it. SHIT," he added, Steve only glancing at him.

"We need to narrow down where it was," Bruce interjected, standing next to Tony to help him.

"Get the quinjet ready," Steve ordered Natasha, her not wasting any time before leaving.

"Bruce, we need you to keep sight of everything from here. Nat, Tony and I will go," he continued, nodding affirmatively.

"I'm coming," Bucky informed, his voice low and face without any expression.

"You're staying here, Buck. Help Bruce," Steve told sternly.

"I'm coming," Bucky repeated.

"No, you're not. You're staying here, that's an order," Steve informed; "Help Bruce, okay?"

"We both know I can't do shit to help Bruce, why don't you want me going?" Bucky argued quietly, anger flashing on his face. Steve sighed and glanced around them.

"Bucky, you've been out looking for her every day for the last week and a half, you haven't slept a bit and you look like you've been fighting an army of elephants. You're in no condition to go on a mission, especially not one you're this emotionally invested in," he explained quietly.

"Steve," Bucky said slowly, trying to keep his anger in; "I. Am. Coming."

"Quinjet ready," Natasha informed as she entered; "We'll figure everything out once we're on our way."

"Right. Avengers... Assemble," Steve ordered with a curt nod.

Lana looked up at the blue sky, pondering her next step. She'd gotten her kidnapper to release her, and he'd said he wouldn't just leave her here without help, but that had to be at least a few hours ago. The last healing he'd helped her with, curtesy of the ring still on her finger, still had a lingering effect, and the broken leg, stab wound etc didn't seem as fatal as it had previously.

That's why she decided to get up. Glancing around, she remembered the last time she was in a forest, camping out with a few friends a few years ago. Colin and his girlfriend Annie had come up with the idea, and William and Lucas had immediately jumped onboard, packing no tents or spare clothes, but too many marshmellows for the entire campsite to eat. Sarah had begged Lana to go, and her and William had worked together to force Lucas and Lana to sit next to each other. They'd gone for a walk in the woods and Lucas had asked Lana to be his girlfriend.

They came back holding hands, and their friends had thrown marshmellows and bits of crackers at them, cheering them on, and at that point, Lana really didn't care if both her mother and father had ditched her, because she had all the family she needed.

The initial smile she'd had disappeared as she remembered that bit and as she realised she hadn't as much as checked in with them once since coming to America.

Taking a deep breath, she looked right and left before making a decision. Having no idea how much it would hurt, she took a careful step, slowly putting her weight on the leg she could have sworn was broken, but upon feeling not all that much pain, began walking slowly. Her speed increased as she felt the jolt of energy from being outside for the first time since Loki had taken her, from seeing the sun and from being so frighteningly off-grid as she would probably ever be. 

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