Is this all because I got banned from that 24-hour tesco?

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"Doc! What the fuck!" Lana complained loudly the second she landed in the soft chair placed beneath the portal she'd found herself falling through not long before.

"You brought a friend. How nice," Stephen commented, smiling calmly as William fell through behind her, a chair appearing beneath him at just the right time.

"I didn't bring a friend, you kidnapped my friend!" Lana corrected angrily.

"Excuse me, he jumped through my portal," Stephen retorted, eyeing the newcomer annoyed.

"Because you kidnapped me! Again!" Lana argued.

"We were kidnapped?" William asked shocked, looking at her with panic in his eyes.

"She was kidnapped, you came here on your own," Stephen answered before Lana could. Lana rolled her eyes dramatically before turning her head back to Stephen, who sipped from a mug.

"Why did you kidnap us?" William asked the doctor.

"I kidnapped Ms Williams because I had to talk to her, and every time I have sent a portal for her, she has ignored it," Doctor Strange informed pleasantly.

"When someone ignores your portals, it means sod off. I was busy," Lana informed him sharply.

"Investigating me?" the doctor suggested. Lana felt her heart skip a beat as she awaited what he would say.

"I suspected as much," he mused, smiling at himself.

"I - I haven't seen any portals," William told Lana, his hands tightly gripping the armrests of the red chair he was in.

"No, he only sends them when I'm alone," she explained shortly.

"That's because I didn't want your shoot-to-kill friends to come," Stephen pointed out logically, Lana rolling her eyes at him.

"Well, I'm here. What do you want?" she challenged, standing up from her chair to face the doctor, unaffected by the height difference as she crossed her arms above her chest and raised her chin defiantly.

"It's not about what I want, it's about what you want, Ms Williams," Stephen told, grabbing a cup on a saucer out of thin air and handing it to Lana, who eyed him suspiciously before taking it from him.

"And what do I want?" she questioned, sitting back down.

"I suspect you want to know more about me. To know if you can trust me," he specified, sitting in a chair that magically appeared behind him.

"I have no reason to think I can," Lana pointed out.

"She has trust issues," William told with a grimace.

"Do not!"

"Do, too!"

"Please, shut up," Stephen interrupted the two. They stopped talking and looked at the doctor, who sighed. "I knew my announcement would cause some sort of reaction, but I hadn't thought of you as impulsive, reckless, hasty. Until I remembered that you are your father's daughter, and I figured I should answer your questions before you do something stupid, like hacking SHIELD or breaking in here."

"I wouldn't even know how to go about doing that," Lana told, scoffing slightly to point out the ridiculousness of the suggestion.

"Well. You are your father's daughter," Stephen said cryptically.

"That's where the resemblance stops, thank you very much," Lana replied quickly, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"If you say so," Stephen agreed with a shrug.

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