Steve told me

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The bedroom had changed a lot since Lana last saw it three years ago. Where her dresser had been with a mirror over it, a shelf with practically nothing on it but a couple of books now stood. Her desk was replaced by a rather striking presence of absolutely nothing, and she couldn't help but wonder why her dad hadn't let it stay in there. The empty beancan with the label removed, full of pencil were gone, as were her notebooks.

She had brought all the stuff she used to England with her, but she always thought she'd be able to come pick up the rest later, once they found a house and such.


She looked up from her interrupted stream of thoughts to see Bucky.

"Bucky," she replied before smiling sadly; "Sorry, I was just... I wanted to see my room."

"It's not yours anymore," Bucky pointed out, maybe not trying to be as rude as Lana heard it.

"Yeah. Thanks for that, by the way," she replied, smiling cooly and leaning her head to the right.

"Hey, don't blame me for your problems with your dad," Bucky muttered with his brooding voice, closing the door behind him and stepping closer to her.

"Hey," Lana mocked; "Don't be pretend I have daddy issues when in-"

"Don't you though?" Bucky interrupted, making Lana speak even louder; "-When in reality, you're being incredibly rude!"

"I'm being rude because I don't like a stranger being in my room, doll," he replied seriously.

"I know the feeling, James," Lana replied quickly, them both falling into an awkward silence.

"I don't like you," she then stated.

"I'll live."

"Urgh, you are by far the worst superhero in this building," Lana scoffed, heading to the door.

"You're thinking of your dad again. Told you; daddy issues," he stated before she slammed HER bedroom door.

Still frustrated, Lana walked down the hallway and through the living area in which she only stopped because she saw her father pouring himself a drink.

"Hey, you're still here," he noticed uninterested.

"Yeah. Guess you haven't had a chance to ship me off to another country yet, huh?" she questioned, leaning against a table.

"You had a better life there than you would've had here," Tony pointed out, sipping his drink.

"You're probably right about that," Lana admitted coldly. Tony looked at her, unsure how to do this.

"Drink?" he then offered.

"It's hardly past noon," Lana pointed out.

"So... Two drinks then?"

Lana rolled her eyes, but nonetheless sat down on the couch, somehow still happy about getting to talk to her dad - even if he was a twat.

"I don't like Bucky," she then told, making her dad sit down on the couch as well.

"Join the club," he muttered, taking another sip.

"I don't think he likes you, either," Lana pointed out, glancing at her dad.

"Well, you can join that club, too," her father replied smoothly.

"Oh, I started that one," Lana shot back with a playful smile, her dad getting a hint of what could almost be called something near a smile.

"Why doesn't he like you, dad?"

Tony sighed, looking at the bottom of his glass.

"Bucky and I don't see eye to eye on things," he then told simply.

"Why not?"

"He's... Done bad things," Tony tried.

"Yeah, but he was brain-washed, so it was hardly his fault, right?"

Tony's eyebrows narrowed on his forehead as he looked at his daughter.

"Yeah, he was. How did you know that?" he asked suspiciously.

"Steve told me," Lana told calmly.

"Uhuh. Why?"

"Because... I don't know, we were talking, it came up, I guess," Lana told, slightly confused about the sudden attention from her father.

"Since when are you and Mr America talking?" Tony asked.

"Since I came to America and he apparently lives in my house?" Lana shot back; "Is there a problem?"

"No, no, there's no problem. At all. I don't mind. I don't care," Tony added quickly.

"Good. Because you have no reason to care, and certainly no reason to mind," she reminded him.

"Mr Rogers requests the presence of the Avengers," JARVIS told through the speakers.

"Yeah, thanks, bud," Tony replied; "I'll see you around, kid."

"Yeah. Yeah, see you around, dad," Lana mumbled, sinking into the couch.

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