Not to sound like a hacker in a 90's movie, but I'm in

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"What?" Bucky finally asked with a sigh.

"What?" Lana repeated, suddenly pulled out of her own thoughts.

"You've been staring at your computer for the last ten minutes," Bucky told her, sounding annoyed as he turned off the TV and turned to fully face her.

"I've been working," Lana claimed with a shrug, turning on her desk chair to look at her friend.

"Uhuh. Your computer went to sleep nine minutes ago," Bucky informed her, only half having understood the concept of sleep mode.

"I've been thinking, you should try it," Lana suggested, smiling annoyed. Bucky sent her a strict look making her roll her eyes.

"Stephen Strange," she began slowly. Bucky nodded for her to continue.

"He said he had been warned about Loki, he seemed to know something. You don't think that's weird?" she asked. Bucky didn't reply and Lana bit her lip, considering how to explain it.

"I just don't understand how this guy managed to go about his life and never get anyone's attention. He gave us his full name, full address, he created a portal in the middle of the street for me and he came here wearing a cape, he didn't exactly seem discreet," she told.

"We didn't know about him. That doesn't mean no one did," Bucky pointed out, raising an eyebrow just enough to show that it was almost a suggestion.

"You think SHIELD knew about him already?" Lana asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I think SHIELD has some pretty extensive records," Bucky just replied. Lana considered what he'd said for a second before replying.

"I want to see his file," she decided, turning to her computer and swiping the touchpad to get it running

"Alright. We'll break into their records room," Bucky decided from behind her.

"It's all online. But I'm a SHIELD agent, I should have access to the records," Lana told frustratedly, logging on and searching the name Stephen Strange, raising her eyebrows slightly as nothing came up.

"There's nothing on him," she told Bucky, turning back to him confused; "That's so weird."

"Very weird," Bucky agreed in a slight hum.

"What?" Lana asked.

"He was here. He was in this tower, Lana. He spoke to the Avengers," Bucky reminded her seriously.

"So even if it's empty, there should at least be a file," Lana realised, suddenly understanding what Bucky was trying to say; "I just don't have access to it."

"Try my password, maybe I have a higher approval," Bucky suggested.

"Alright," Lana muttered, logging off and quickly typing Bucky's user; "What's your password?"

She typed as he listed the seemingly random letters and numbers, logging on and searching Strange's name again.

"Nothing," she told him flatly, spinning around to look at him again.

"Do you think Steve has access?" she asked him.

"We're not stealing Steve's password," Bucky decided quickly.

"Who said anything about stealing, James?" Lana asked dramatically.

Quickly knocking on the open door, Lana made her way into Steve's room and threw herself on the bed next to a wide-eyed Steve, leaning against the headboard and with a sketchpad in his hand. Before he could ask, Bucky entered, knocking Lana's feet away so he could at the end of the bed, ignoring Lana's feet that came crawling onto his lap.

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