Some deep part of me hates you on a very fundamental level

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"I still don't understand why you're coming," Lana admitted to Bucky in the car, fastening the seat belt and turning the key.

"And I don't understand why you're going. It's not even five, doll," he reminded her unhappily.

"Thank god for that, because we have a busy day ahead of us!" she informed happily, driving the car into the street.

"I think... Some deep part of me hates you on a very fundamental level," Bucky told her after considering a bit.

"Any chance I can alter that by stopping by a coffee shop on our way?" Lana suggested, still cheery. Bucky thought about it.

"I think I'd still hate you, but I'd be better at hiding it," he decided.

"Sold," Lana told quickly, turning on the blinker and going in the direction of the coffee place.

Two coffees to-go and a short drive later, they arrived at the office, Lana quickly unlocking and heading to the desk she'd used the day before.

"What's the plan for today?" Bucky asked, sitting in the chair next to hers with his coffee.

"We have to prepare the pre ordered locks for shipping because the people we hired to take care of that couldn't start until tomorrow, and we need them to be sent tomorrow, so there's that. When William get's in he'll be instructing the new people in how to build the locks, and then I have my own little list," Lana explained, pulling laptop and notepads out of her bag.

"Yes, because packing 300 locks isn't enough work," Bucky agreed, taking a sip of the coffee.

"No, because the plan for today is to write the addresses in hand because I forgot to get a printer, and unless someone orders one, we won't get one, and my hand is going to cramp up then," Lana told, opening her computer.

"You make my hand cramp up," Bucky muttered unhappily, Lana just rolling her eyes at the poor insult, not even bothering explaining to him what it could sound like.

"Have you seen Loki?" Lana asked avoiding going into detail as she grabbed a boxcutter and opened the brown cardboard, revealing the mass of protective envelopes inside.

"Why would I have seen Loki?" Bucky asked, not reacting as Lana placed a stack of envelopes next to him.

"Well, he does live at the tower now," Lana mentioned with a shrug of feigned indifference, grabbing a marker and tossing it to Bucky, who's eyes didn't leave her shape as he grabbed it in the air.

"Why would I have seen Loki?" Bucky repeated, holding the marker still in the air.

"I don't know, James, you live in the same building," Lana pointed out with a huff of air, sitting down in her office chair and turning to her computer, quickly typing in the password.

"So do you. You haven't seen him," Bucky pointed out to her as she went on the website and used the webmaster login the designer had given her, allowing her to find the list of preorderers information.

"How do you know I haven't seen him?" Lana challenged, clicking on the touchpad.

"Because I haven't seen him," Bucky explained quickly.

"I could've seen him. We're not always together, James," Lana muttered before standing up.

"When are we not together?" Bucky questioned unimpressed as Lana placed her computer on the desk in front of him.

"Well, maybe if you weren't obsessed with me and stalked me, I could get away from you," Lana commented, sending him an annoyed smile; "Could you get working on writing the addresses, please?"

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