No one said there wasn't a reason

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"We're back," Steve greeted immediately as they entered the conference room.

"I wasn't sure if I should come," Lana said, looking around the room. Everybody was in there, sat around the long black table. Bucky sent her half a smile and nodded to the empty chair next to him.

"So, what's going on?" Steve asked, sitting down next to Natasha while Lana sat next to Bucky.

"Well, we finally cracked the guy," Tony stated. He was standing by the head of the table, his arms crossed above his chest.

"You did?" Natasha asked, surprised.

"Don't sound so surprised. You're not the only one with tricks up their sleeve," Tony scoffed offendedly.

"Did you... Seduce him?" Lana asked slowly.

"What? No!" Tony exclaimed loudly.

"Lana, seducing people is not my only trick," Natasha told, rolling her eyes.

"I know, but it is my favourite trick of yours," Lana told, winking suggestively at the assassin, who just shook her head while smiling.

"So if you didn't seduce him, what did you do?" Bruce asked curiously.

"I talked to him, for god's sake!" Tony told, sitting down on one of the leather chairs.

"What did he say?" Steve questioned.

"He admitted to being Hydra, told us where he got his orders and the part of the plan he knew," Tony told, moving the chair slightly from side to side, annoying everyone.

"And?" Bruce encouraged.

"He gave me the location of the hydra base and told me what his orders were. Watch the winter soldier, don't engage unless necessary, get his schedule and habits, return with more manpower and get him," Tony listed up.

"But he did engage, he attacked us," Bucky pointed out. Lana placed her hand on his thigh, absentmindedly offering him the support he needed.

"That's a good point. He must have been eager to get to it," Steve thought out loud.

"No, that makes no sense. I've been out several times, when Lana was in the hospital I was constantly commuting, he could have attacked at any moment then," Bucky said, looking at Steve.

"That's true. You were plenty distracted. No offence," Natasha added. Bucky just lifted his hand in a 'none taken' gesture, placing it on top of Lana as he put it down again.

"Unless... He's been watching you at least since I got back, most likely, but he hasn't engaged because he didn't see a reason. You said you were distracted, you didn't notice him, but when you were out with me, you were very attentive. When he noticed you noticing him, he decided he had to act quickly," Lana theorised.

"He managed to go unnoticed by Barnes for at least a week, yet he was stupid enough to not have called backup when he attacked? No, it doesn't add up. He must've just started and jumped the gun," Natasha argued, leaning back in her chair.

"Except, we weren't that stupid either. Steve and Tony were on the way before he even realised Bucky was suspicious. You remember, I came back after calling backup and you said he was just starting to get suspicious then?" Lana reminded Bucky, who nodded in affirmation.

"By the time his backup showed up, there were three avengers present. No shit they backed out," Lana added. Natasha looked thoughtful.

"But would they just abandon a fellow soldier?" Steve argued, supporting Natasha.

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