Told me what?

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"I think I fixed it!" Will suddenly exclaimed before explaining. "The arm itself is pretty bloody complicated, but I really just had to reconnect the parts that were failing. I would add some extra safety so he won't be electrocuted next time Daddy Stark gets angry at him, but I don't actually know what the material used for it even is." Lana and Sarah shared an impressed look while William put the last part of the arm back in its place.

"Seriously? Will, you're the best! I don't understand how some gigantic tech firm hasn't snatched you up yet," Lana commented while William sat down on the bed, as Sarah had taken the chair he'd been on previously.

"You haven't told her yet?" Sarah exclaimed.

"Told me what?" Lana questioned when William didn't answer, glancing between her friends.

"It's no big deal, really," he told in a faked casual tone.

"What is it?"

"I sort of got a job offer," he admitted slowly.

"No big deal, are you mental? That's amazing! Where is it?" Lana asked with a big smile.

"It doesn't matter, I'm not accepting," he told, still looking down. Lana glanced at Sarah, who didn't know what to say.

"What are you talking about, you have to take it!" Lana encouraged, looking at Sarah for support.

"I'm with her on this," she agreed.

"No, I don't. It's really not a big deal, guys," William repeated.

"Why don't you want the job?" Lana asked, furrowing her eyebrows as William bit his lip.

"It's... It's a position at Stark Industries," he admitted quietly. Lana looked at Sarah before looking back at Will.

"What?" she asked softly.

"It's a thing they do, talent scouting at MIT, and apparently I caught someone's attention when I did a project on infusion of nanotech in more common items and making it more accessible," he tried explaining before sighing. "I don't know, I just had a thought that if you could add the benefits of nanotech to say a lock, you could really do something with that. Apparently, my idea wasn't too far off, and Stark Industries wants me on a team looking into the idea of developing some sort of home security system."

"Will, that's amazing," Lana repeated.

"It's not that big of a deal," William repeated.

"It is that big of a deal," Sarah chipped in.

"I can't believe how much I've missed since moving to the states," Lana commented.

"Well, if he takes the job you'll be able to stay in touch much easier," Sarah told.

"How so?"

"The job is in New York," William told.

"That's why you're not taking it?" Lana asked softly.

"No," Sarah replied when William didn't; "You're why he's not taking it."

"Me?!" Lana exclaimed, immediately frowning.

"No, no, don't feel guilty!" William quickly said; "It's just, I know that Tony Stark is your dad and I know what your relationship is like, I know how much tension there's been and I don't want to do anything that could put you in an uncomfortable position!". Lana placed a hand on his forearm.

"Will, I love you, but you're being stupid. You need a job, and this isn't just any job, it's a good one! Odds are my dad weren't involved or even aware of the decision of offering you a position, you probably won't even meet. You have to take it!"

"It would be nice to be closer to you," he finally admitted.

"Ah, just leave me behind. Love that for me," Sarah added sarcastically.

"Sarah's right, I'd have to leave everything behind," William suddenly remembered.

"How much are you leaving behind, really?" Lana challenged, Sarah laughing.

"Damn, America have gotten you proper savage," she commented.

"No, I'm sorry, that's not what I meant, it's just, you've studied in America, you'd have a job, you'd probably work in the very same building as me," Lana pointed out; "Even if you stay in England, you'd still be living around London, your family would still be all the way up in Middlesbrough, so it's not like pop-by's are possible anyway."

"Can't believe you remembered where my parents live," William said, smiling at her.

"Of course I do," Lana told with a shrug; "You're one of my best friends."

"In other words, she approves of you taking the job," Sarah reminded happily.

"I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position," William said honestly, looking directly at Lana.

"Will, if anything, this is exciting! You know I miss you guys like crazy," Lana pointed out with a small laugh.

"I guess you won't have to. I'll call them when we get back to the hotel," William decided, breaking into a smile too.

"Speaking of, we should probably get going," Sarah realised, looking at her wristwatch.

"Mh, you might be right," William agreed, checking the clock on his phone.

"But you're not leaving, are you?" Lana asked, glancing between them; "I mean, we'll see each other again, right?"

"Of course we will, you tosser," Sarah promised, leaning in to hug goodbye.

Before the door could even close behind them, it was pushed open, Bucky appearing.

"Hey, guess what?" Lana asked happily, Bucky eyeing her oddly.

"Your arm is done!" she told, holding the surprisingly heavy thing up. Bucky walked over to her and picked it up, looking it over before reconnecting it to the socket installed in the stump of his arm. He moved his fingers, clenching and unclenching them before moving the entire arm, looking at Lana when it worked flawlessly.

"William's a genius," she just excused it, smiling.

"Hm," Bucky agreed, sitting down in the chair as he had so many times before.

"They seem..." He paused to consider it, Lana patiently waiting for his verdict; "Nice."

"They're not too shabby," Lana agreed; "They're not you." Bucky rolled his eyes at the insult.

"Spoke to Fury and the Doc," he told, absentmindedly waving his fingers. "They say you're stable enough to go home." He looked directly at her. She raised her chin.

"Alright. Home it is," she decided, not bothering with explanations. 

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