Must be genetic, huh?

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After having woken up a place she did not recognise, next to a man she only remembered from bits and pieces of memories from the night before, Lana slid out of bed, into her clothes and out to the street.

She'd come to find her dad and was insistent on doing so as she asked a few strangers for directions to the big tower she knew to be her dads, even though she hadn't seen it in years.

After finding her way to it and greeting Jarvis, she headed to her room, only for it to be another bedroom she surely didn't recognise, she went out to the couch where she eventually fell asleep waiting for her dad.

Natasha and Clint entered the private floor first, having been walking ahead of the others.

"Who the hell is that?" Natasha asked, unsure if she should reach for one of her hidden guns.

"Did... She break in here?" Clint asked unsurely, shifting his weight to his other foot; "I thought this place was supposed to be very secure?"

The girl shifted on the couch before slowly waking up. She yawned before sitting up.

"Who are you?" Natasha asked quickly, her voice suddenly colder than before.

"Uh, right back at you?" the girl replied, sounding almost offended by the question, Clint noticed. Either that, or it just sounded so because of her British accent.

"What are you doing here?" Clint asked.

"I live here!" she claimed; "Sort of!

"Well, as do we," Natasha replied confused.

"How have we not met yet, then?" Clint tried.

"Well, big house and I'm not around a whole lot," the girl told them.

"Guys, why are you fighti - Lana," Tony interrupted himself, loosing all colour in his face; "Lana, what are you doing here?"

"Oh my god, how many times do I have to answer this?!" she groaned frustratedly.

"Lana! What are you doing here?" Pepper asked as she entered.

"I give up," Lana muttered to herself right before three other guys entering the room, her certainly recognising one.

"Uh, who is this?" one asked unsurely.

"Uh, Bruce... Guys, this, this is Lana. My daughter," Tony admitted, running a hand through his hair.

"Your what?!" Steve exclaimed in a moment of pure panic.

"I know it's surprising," Tony told; "I was very young and Lana's been living in england for most of her life."

"What, with your mom?" Bruce asked her.

"Oh, no, I have no mum," Lana told calmly; "My dad just didn't want me."

"Lana!" Tony said loudly.

"Lana, you know that's not true," Pepper agreed softly.

"Okay," she agreed; "Where's my room, then?"

"Down the hall to the-"

"The right?" Lana interrupted her father; "Yeah, I checked that one. Doesn't look very much like how I remember it," she added.

"Yeah, we, we ran out of guest rooms on this floor and so Bucky borrowed it," Tony excused.

"Yeah? Where did my furniture go?"

"We had to move it to make room for-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get that, I mean, where is it? As in, is it in a storage rooom or a basemeeent?" Lana asked, dragging the words out.

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