new mom(except you adopt bils)

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Billies pov

"Billie go get ready there's someone who wants to see you" the adoption lady said to me. I nodded and went to get ready. I only had clothes that were kinda ripped up so I just had to stick with those. I tried to look a bit better by fixing my hair. I just put it in space buns and went with the lady to stand by the door.

A random woman came in. She was really pretty and kinda tall. Or maybe it's just because I'm short. I don't really know.'s a famous person!!! She's famous on literally everything.

"Hi! You must be y/n" the adoption lady said. Y/n nodded and then she looked at me. I waved at her. She waved back.

"Are you planning to adopt her?" the adoption lady asked. Y/n nodded her head yes. I got really excited. Not because a famous person is adopting me, but because I'm getting adopted and I can finally leave this place. I could also maybe ask her if I can visit my brother. He said that he was gonna come see me after he got adopted but they didn't allow him back in here. I know where he is though. He text it to me since he got me a phone. We've been keeping in touch because of it.

Y/n had to sign some papers and then we were ready to leave.

"Your name is billie right?" Y/n asked me. I hummed in response. "Alright billie, what happened to your clothes?" she asked me while looking at the rips on my outfit.

"Bullies. They ripped my clothes and beat me up a lot" I said. "Well you don't have to worry about that anymore cause you're staying with me. Let's go home ok?" Y/n said. "Okay" I said. She took me to her car and we got in.

"First we're going shopping then home" y/n said. I nodded and she drove to a mall. We got out and she took me to a bunch of stores letting me pick out my own stuff. She also picked out some things for herself.

"Hold on I gotta use the bathroom go try on those outfits" y/n told me. I nodded and she left. I looked for the dressing rooms. As I was walking I bumped into someone.

"Sorry" I said. The guy turned around. "It's fine sis" I heard finneas say. This time I actually looked at him cause I was looking away at first. I gave him a huge hug.

"What are you doing here by yourself?" he asked me. "Well I got adopted and she told me to try these outfits on while she went to use the bathroom" I said.(finneas is 18 btw and billie is 11 but looks like blonde haired billie)

"Oh alright" he said. "I'm gonna try these on and then I'll come back" I said. He nodded and I walked into one of the changing rooms. I tried on all the outfits and I liked how they looked on me. They were a little tight but it's okay. I got some dresses and some baggy clothes. Mostly baggy clothes though. I changed into my regular clothes and came out to see y/n talking to finneas.

She looked at me and smiled a bit. "Did you try the outfits on?" she asked me. "Yeah I did! I liked them all but some of the dresses were a little bit tight but I don't mind" I said. "Alright well we'll go buy them" y/n said. "I got a question first" i said grabbing her hand before she walked away.

"What is it?" she asked me. "Nothing too bad, I was just wondering if I could hang out with Finneas soon. He's the guy you were talking to earlier. He's my brother" I said. "I knew who he was I just didn't know he was your brother but of course you can!" she said. I got really excited.

"Finneas had to leave though but I'll call him over later is that okay?" she asked. I nodded. She smiled at how happy I was and payed for all my clothes. Then we went to her house. It was huge. She showed me around and I loved my new room.

"Go change and if you're hungry let me know" she said. I nodded and she left closing my door behind her. I changed into this

Then I put the rest of the clothes up in my closet

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Then I put the rest of the clothes up in my closet. My bras and underwear and socks I put in the drawers. I got hungry after a bit so i asked y/n for some food. She let me help her cook and we ate our food.

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