04. Red as Roses

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The first class of the term was potions

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The first class of the term was potions. As always, Sirius and James, being the goofy person they are, laughed all the way to class earning weird stares from students.

There were three large cauldrons in front of the classroom.

Y/N smelt a familiar scent of book, parchment, chocolate, and others she couldn't describe.

Professor Slughorn greeted the class with a dry welcome, "Does anyone know what this potion is?" he asked, pointing at one of the potion.

Lily's hand shot up, "It's Amortentia, Sir. Known as the most powerful love potion in the world. It smells different for every person according to what attracts them," she grinned and wriggled her eyebrows at Y/N.

"You're right Miss Evans, five points to Gryffindor," said he. "What about this one?" he asked and a Ravenclaw student answered his question.

"What?" the girl glared at the redhead beside her.

"Pretty sure someone smelled you, someone who's sitting beside me," Sirius, who're sitting at a table beside Y/N and Lily's answered her, eyeing Remus teasingly.

Remus was red in the face, he looked like he was having a cold.

"That's not true," she spoke as her cheeks flushed. She kept telling her brain that she doesn't like him, not at all, but her heart said otherwise.

"This is a very dangerous potion. It does not create real love but obsession to the ones who gave it," Slughorn continued as the students giggled.

"For today's lesson, I want you all to work with the student beside you on making the Draught of Living Death. Instructions on page 8 ingredients on page 9," the Professor announced.

"Once you're finished, put your potions in these phials, label them with your names, and place it in my desk. Chop chop!" he clapped his hands as the class started to work.

"I'll grab the ingredients," Y/N said and began to walk to the cupboard.

"Hey, Y/N?" James asked tapping her shoulder. She turned around to face him as raised her brows in question. "Help me get Lily to go out with me, please? You're the only person I could ask for!"

"I don't know, James," Y/N replied not wanting to make Lily hate her existence by making deals with her mortal enemy.

"Please?" Sirius whined also.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Knock some sense to her so she starts to think about me," James grinned happily as Sirius nodded.

"I don't want her to hate me, but I'll try. I know that she likes you —a bit maybe," Y/N said but regretted the moment after since it would just make James' ego larger. "Shit, don't tell her I said that!"

"We won't!" James smiled and sprinted back up to his and Peter's table. Sirius winked at her before walking backwards to his table with Remus.


The class ended for the day. Y/N and Remus were walking to the common room together since James, Sirius, and Peter were pranking the first years. Lily was at the library, leaving the two.

"Puff!! Puff!!" Y/N ignored it while Remus was nudging her shoulder.


"That's more like it," Y/N turned around to see her Hufflepuff brother running up to her and accidentally tripped over; causing her to trip too.

"What are you doing, Theo?" Y/N huffed at him as Remus helped her up. "Thanks," she said to him.

"A letter for you! I'm in a hurry and thanks to your deaf ears I have to run here and..Helga, I'm late for class," he turned around and ran in the opposite direction, his hair bouncing up and down.

"It's still funny to me that he calls you Puff," Remus chuckled, "Isn't that an animal? Pygmy Puffs?"

"It is," Y/N scoffed "I hate how he calls me that out loud," she shook her head, gathering her papers that were scattered on the marble floor.

"No, I think it suits you," he grinned as he helped her, "I mean- I've read about them and saw them once, they're quite adorable," he realized what he just said and felt himself blushing madly.

Y/N's cheeks crimsoned and she turned her head to him, "Are you calling me adorable?"

"Moony, next time compliment her eyes, her hair, her as a person, not how adorable she is!" Sirius commented as he, Peter, and James passed them.

They both taunt them all the way to the common room leaving both Y/N and Remus red.

Remus admits that she looks really pretty and adorable; cheeks flushed and all. He realized what he just thought and quickly replaced them by his homework to avoid the blush on his face.

A/N : I decided to make this in 6th year, I just felt like it :)

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