26. Christmas Full Moon

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A/N : fun fact: it was actually a full moon on Christmas 1977 (that was partially why I wrote this chapter) I'm so sorry that somehow it's the summer holiday and then all of a sudden it's Christmas, I have no idea what to write in between 😔

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A/N : fun fact: it was actually a full moon on Christmas 1977 (that was partially why I wrote this chapter) I'm so sorry that somehow it's the summer holiday and then all of a sudden it's Christmas, I have no idea what to write in between 😔

For the holidays, Remus has asked Y/N to spend it with him since his parents wanted to see her. He said that it was fine if she wanted to go home because she was in Hogwarts the last time; but, she insisted to come along.

Y/N accepted it gracefully saying that 'there's always another Christmas in the upcoming year'

And now there she was; waiting impatiently for Remus to come back from his transformation in his parents' house. She got along with both of them pretty well. They love her for accepting their son —despite what he is.

Remus walked back from where he just transformed. He limped to the front door and right before he opened it, he smiled at the sight of Y/N having a conversation with his parents.

Not being able to handle the cuts anymore, he pushed open the door; all heads turned towards him.

"Come over here," Hope said to the boy whose body was buried in injuries. She led him to the sofa and he sat down —wincing slightly. "I'll leave you two alone. Y/N, the murtlap is on the counter," the woman pointed to where it is before walking away with her husband, leaving the two on the room.

Y/N stood up from her seat and took a bowl of warm water, murtlap, and towel to clean him up. "How was it?" she asked while dipping the towel on the warm water.

"Definitely had worse," Remus replied hoarsely. Y/N nodded and started to wipe his face gently with the towel, in which he responded with hisses and groans.

"Sorry," she mumbled.

Remus admire her face as she cleaned his cuts. He loved how gentle she is and every time he felt her breath brush over his skin, his stomach'd do backflips.

He sighed deeply and spoke: "I'm sorry for ruining your Christmas, you could've spent it with your family joyfully without any worries. They definitely want you to be there, you could've met them by now."

"It's okay, I'm happy to be here with you," then a silence fell, the only sound heard was the snow falling to the ground.

"Help me take off my shirt," he whispered quietly once she was done with his face. He was a bit hesitant but gave in anyway.

Y/N's eyes turned wide as she stared at him. "What?" she furrowed her brows. "I mean- uh yeah of course I'll help you," a blush creeped up her face as she sat the towel down.

Y/N lifted his shirt gently and it appears that his chest has worse scars than his face or arms. Remus turned red as she looked at his bare chest.

"I see it coming but I'm still surprised,"

"I know it's bad and ugly, thanks for telling," he said sarcastically though he was extremely embarrassed.

"No, love, no need to worry about that. I was talking about your muscles anyway." she gave him a mischievous grin and gently caressed his chest.

Then he spoke, with his face reddening by the second, "I tried," placing his hand on her chin, the other on the side of her face.

It's something about her that makes it easier for him to accept himself, he doesn't know how or why but he's glad either way.

"Good," Y/N replied blatantly not knowing what to say; a half naked and bloodied Remus Lupin sitting in front of her; they were only inches apart; and their nose touching.

Remus grinned before capturing her lips to his. He basically poured his love and care for her in the kiss because words cannot be enough for it.

"Love, your veins and arteries are dying and you're making out with me?" she asked once she pulled away, a laugh escaped her lips.

"They're not dying!" he snarked, his fingers still on her face; stroking it softly with his thumb. "Besides, before I die, I'd want to feel your presence one last time."

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