The Beginning of the End

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Over the past few months whenever Eden wasn't filming or working on another job. You could always find the little girl perfecting her dance skills. 

With the help of many incredible dance instructors and choreography, Eden dance ability had grown at a formidable rate..unlike her height. 

At the same time Eden's fame continued it's steady upwards path. Angelina and Robert still could not comprehend how famous and loved she was around the world.

Progressing in her acting,dancing and singing skills, Eden was now known in Hollywood as the 'Triple threat'. Her undeniable beauty and charisma definitely helped her move forward in the industry.

 But with her mother and farther gene's who could match up to her?

Since the Dance Season ended she was flown straight out the next day to begin filming, Season 4 of Game of Thrones. With the shows increasing popularity, job requests flooded through her managers Julia door like tsunami. 

The little girl had managed to squeeze in two movie roles on her time off Dance moms, and another  in the making. They wouldn't be released for another year but she had an awful lot of promotional work to do in the mean time.

As the face of Nike's child wear, and other high-end brands. She was taking the world by storm and she didn't even now it.

 Setting the trend for kids wear around the globe.

Through all the excitement, her life was passing in a supernatural pace. Eden couldn't believe at her age she living the life most people dreamed about... Attending film premiers, award shows, and filming around the world all whilst being paid to do so. 

Her parents ensured with Eden's growing fame she remained their humble little girl, bringing her to help out in charity events and meeting hospitalized children. Eden loved watching their smiles beam when they noticed she was there... she was happy to see her presences made them smile even if it was just for a little while.

 It helped bring her life into perspective and she had never been more grateful for her parents.


"Well Hello Miss. Hollywood... Can I get your autograph" an exaggerated voice squeaks over the phone.

"Har, har Jacob! your sooo funny" Eden deadpanned, only to receive barks of laughter in return.

"Yeh, yeh so when are you back??" he exclaimed, returning to the matter at hand.

"You sound as if you didn't see me last week.... " she laughed rolling her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes.."

"How did you know?!" she gasped, looking around her.

"I know you... anyway what time?"

"Hold on I'll check" Eden replied, shuffling noises could be heard before the sound of Angelina's voice reached his ears. 'ok' he heard Eden mumble.

"We'll be there in two hours.. I have to go to a voice lesson"

"Ugh fine!! but then I'm coming over"

"Yes!! and you to tell me all about your audition!!" Eden squealed, Jacob laughed pulling the phone away from his ear. The high pitched squeal could damage anyone's hearing.

"I will" he smiled, excited to tell her that he made it to the call backs.

"Good! ok I have to go now! we just pulled up.. I'll call you when were home."

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