Bondi Beach

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*Bringing the drama*


"Are we nearly there?" Eden whined shuffling around in her seat.

The car ride was long, she had already woken from her nap and was losing patience. Today was the day she got to explore the famous 'Bondi beach'.

Jacob and Eden had watched a couple of episode's when they worked in England and fell in love with the drama and lifeguards. Jacob being a competitive swimmer always wanted to learn how to surf, unfortunately for him he was filming his new movie alongside Angelina.

"No, another five minutes. Do you want an ice cream before we go down?"

"No thanks" Eden denied as she peered out the window, where the sun was hiding behind the clouds. A positive to combat the dull weather was that only a small crowd occupied the beach. They could have a day of peace and tranquility.

"Did you just turn down an ice-cream?!" Fifty asked in disbelief, he never knew a child to turn down sweets.

"I want to see Chris! he's going to teach me how to surf" Eden replied with an excited squeal that made the two men wince.

Chris Hemsworth had offered to take Eden on her first surf lesson after she had shown an interest in learning and what better time than in Australia.

Luckily their schedules aligned and Marshall volunteered to take her, Fifty tagging along. The two rap legends couldn't get over the fact that this was their life sometimes, after their rough upbringing.But it was all Eden's ever known. 

"Have you ever done this before?" Fifty asked noticing the nervous shift in Marshall. He was worried that something could happen to her under his care despite the truck full of security that followed them. Eden was a magnet for trouble. 

"Like do you need floaties or something?"

Scoffing in disgust Eden snapped her head forward "I'm eleven! I don't need floaties" she sassed obviously offended. From a young age Robert made sure she could swim, it was a life lesson that would save her sooner rather than later.

"Damn alright" Fifty shrugged his eyes twinkling in amusement. The pair often fought back and forth like cats and dogs. Most of the time Eden ended up being the mature one in their conversations. Fifty loved to wined up the usual calm and collected girl, but her comebacks were getting stronger.

"You might need some though... you know to keep a float and all" 

Marshall choked having to break lightly as he burst his ass laughing. Fifty turned back quickly to tickle her the sassy girl was her fathers daughter after all. She couldn't wait to tell him all about her quick comebacks.

Eden's loud girly giggles echoed throughout the jeep, no one could stop their smiles listening to her infectious laughter. Although he would never admit it Fifty was proud of her comeback they were getting better and better.

"I just meant muscle sinks faster" Eden added little giggles still escaping her.

"Yeah I'm sure you did" he huffed pouting childishly as he opened another bag of chips. Looking in the review mirror Eden raised her eyebrows in amusement. But there was nothing better than ready salted chips on a beach day, nothing.

As the drive continued Eden pressed her face against the window trying to take it all in. She could see the waves crash against the rocks as they pulled up to park.

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