Nothing's fair in Abbyville

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"Let me start the pyramid" Abby began with a tired sigh, she was getting sick of the same old repetitive days. Something had to change...Abby was in the need for some drama and excitement.

"At the bottom, we have Nia. You had another opportunity to do a solo but something went wrong and that's what put you at the bottom of the pyramid" Abby announced referring to last week when Nia's headpiece unfolded on stage.

Holly pursed her lips in annoyance, but she could only blame herself for Nia's low placement. It was her job to make sure Nia's head piece was glued down securely, she failed her job. 

"Next, I have Kendall. Kendall you were part of the duet with Khalani. Khalani did a duet with Maddie last week and they won, was the loss your fault?" Abby asked with a shrug of her shoulders,  it was obvious to everyone that Abby believed the young Vertes was the cause of their loss and Jill could not stand it. 

"Beside Kendall, I have Khalani" Abby acknowledge pulling the cover off of Khalani's head shot, despite the girl not being a member of the Abby Lee Dance Company. "From top of the pyramid to the bottom row... your only as good as your last performance. I need the kind of dancer that can dance with anybody and win, is that you?"Abby asked watching as the girls face perked up at the challenge. "I don't know..."

Kira frowned at Abby's critiques, this wasn't the position she wanted her daughter in. Khlanai was suppose to come in and fight for Abby's number one spot, she was suppose to be the golden girl. This just wouldn't do, Khalani would have no choice but do better this week.

"Moving on up we have Chloe, you were part of the winning duet and the only thing I saw lacking in you was the facial expressions. You have to do more and you have to figure out what those facial expressions are" 

Crinkling her eyebrows in confusion Christie couldn't understand how Abby could place Chloe so low on the pyramid. Christie knew that Abby would have placed Eden at the top despite the fact she hadn't returned since Abby and Kelly fought. It was an ongoing mystery on whether the young star would make a return.

"Next, I have Mackenzie.."

"But why is Mackenzie above Chloe on the pyramid?"

"Because Mackenzie was outstanding with the candy box"

"Chloe was part of the winning duet and she was in the winning group dance, but Mackenzie's above her because of the candy box?" Christie explained knowing it was impossible to argue with Abby. 

"Well she had a solo part"Abby shrugged, she wasn't going to change her mind. 

"Next up we have Eden-Rose"

"Abby! why would you put Eden second on the pyramid she didn't even dance last week?" Jill  all but screeched at Abby who's favoritism had no bounds.

"Honestly Abby! how is that fair?"

"Girls! even though Eden is not here she is apart of the team. Eden-Rose is a big name in Hollywood, she is desired and wanted by every director in the film, music and model industries. So if Eden's not here one week that doesn't mean she isn't working, if anything going to competitions is a holiday. So before you say anything further, moms, Eden is here because she is the youngest ever nominee for an Oscar in the Leading Actress role, I think that justifies her position" Abby ranted not at all happy with the moms questioning her decision.

"And we're not saying what she's doing isn't amazing, we'e just questioning why she's so high up on the pyramid because she hasn't been here! I mean she's not even here this week!" Jill continued no matter how futile the fight was. 

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