Liar Liar Dance on Fire

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For anyone unable to view the Group Dance it's on Youtube: Senior Jazz Dance Group 'Let's have a kiki'- Brooke Henderson Dance Studios.


"Alrighty! We went to Youngstown Ohio to Intensity dance and won. We should have won , yous are national Champions! Now on the bottom of the pyramid is Chloe. Remembering your choreography that is what you need to work on! Write it down! Maybe if your write it out it will sink in! Try that" Abby instructed.

Eden cringed at her tone, never would her mom allow anyone to talk to her like that. Not even if she messed up. From the reflection Eden was surprised to see Christie nodding in agreement. What was happening in the Abby Lee Dance Company.

"Next, Nia. Nia you don't apply the corrections, that is what you need to do! Try writing them down" Abby said, quickly moving on. 

"Next, Mackenzie. I took you out of the group, I gave this little cue part to do and thank goodness it was humorous because if we they had started to time the number we would have been disqualified! And the Abby Lee Dance Company does not get disqualified!" 

Eden eyes widened so far it was nearly comical, she had not seen Abby so fired up for pyramid in a long time.

"You will not be involved in any of the groups dances going forth, not until they are age appropriate for you" Abby told the little girl, she nods her head a frown  settled on her face.

"And Paige, you got the featured part, you had the big jump, the lift with the big whack. You could have made it fabulous, but you didn't. You were given an opportunity and instead of running with it... it was mediocre"  Kelly frowned in defeat, Abby would never stop taking out her frustrations on her two kids.

"Next Maddie! you were good? I noticed you had the Sophia hair duo, how about we have the Sophia energy, Eden's turns? not worry about the hair duo" Abby announced, hoping to embarrass the girl.

 Melissa shuffled uncomfortably on her feet, she was not use to Abby not favoring her daughters. She deeply regretted leaving for Kelly, if she knew about the consequences it would have never of been a thought to enter her head.

Eden watched, taking in all the drama around her. Who knew she had missed so much drama in the three days she had missed.

"Next on the pyramid is Kendall. You were in the front, you were given a correction.. a hundred times. Did you keep up with Sophia? I don't know?" Abby questioned, leaving Jill frothing. 

"On Top of the pyramid is Sophia and Eden-Rose" Abby smiled, the moms did not fail to hide their aggravation. "Kind of a given, Eden you won in your duet, it was the highest scoring dance of the entire competition. Sophia came first in her solo, beating Chloe."

Eden glanced towards the moms, Kelly was smiling her mouth slightly hung open in shock. They couldn't believe a dancer who was not even a member of the team had made her way on top the pyramid. The only person who seemed remotely happy for the girl was Eden. Who's smile had not dropped or faltered in any way.

"Where is Sophia? She's at the top of the pyramid and she's not even here!" Kelly laughed obnoxiously loud. "Sophia is in LA filming a movie, she's were your children dream of being. Sophia is still a member of this team." Abby ranted effectively shutting up any further argument.

"We will be travelling to Greenboro North Carolina, we will be attending Dance troupe challenge" Abby announced slowly, immediately Kelly raised her hand to interrupt. 

"Since Brookes not on the pyramid, does that means she's not attending this weekend?"

"Well...Brooke I want to know what happened over the weekend?"

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