Diva Las Vegas

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"You didn't have pyramid again this week?" Jacob asked settling down beside the blonde barbie.Styled in two plaits that hung down her back Eden was the definition of adorable. It was obvious that Eden was the main reason why people tuned in, although the others girls were gaining popularity none came close. The camera always panned in on the girl when ever she was in the shot.

 Melissa seemed to be pushing harder for more opportunities outside of the studio she wanted her daughters to live their dreams, which of course wouldn't go well with the other moms. 

Eden and Jacob noticed the changes in the girls dynamic over the past two weeks. Chloe,Paige and Brooke seemed to drift further from the girls as they came under harder firer from Abby. No one liked to be compared to others especially children.

"Yeah, I just had contortion class and mom had me up for ballet training for three hours this morning. I'm doing a summer program with homeschooling so I can finish school up early, Sarah says it best to be done as quick as possible with all my projects lined up" Eden explained leaning her head on his shoulder, she was tired and couldn't wait for Dance Moms to be over.  Thankfully there was only two more weeks until Nationals.

"After Nationals your straight into filming, right?"

"Yeah" Eden hummed not saying too much, she was avidly aware of the camera's zoned in on them. Her projects were still a secret and she couldn't afford for people to find out especially the producers who would use any piece of information they could get there hands on.

"So you'll be gone the whole Summer?" Jacob asked his brows furrowing at the thought.

"I think so, but it's not like we won't see each other! " Eden giggled, Jacob had landed a small role on the Peaky Blinders. The producers loved the interactions between the two and had decided to give him an audition, his Irish accent came in handy. He was going to become a new friend for the Peaky girl.

"Yeah, I know!" he sighed dramatically leaning down to kiss her cheek. Eden didn't react , it was more common then not. "I'm actually excited for us to leave Pittsburgh, we can go over to Ireland for a couple of days and everything". 

"Of course! I'll be filming there anyway" Eden smiled grabbing her jazz shoes out of the bag. "Are you coming to competition this week?" 

"No, I have a swim competition and I'm going to hang out with Lucas and Zachary before they leave to Europe" 

"Oh yeah! they'll be gone all Summer as well!" Eden huffed, all her closet friends would be in different countries. The trio of boys were her best friends, they just gelled together naturally. Each adding something different to the group. 

"We can meet up with them for a week or something in New York" Jacob reassured grabbing his own equipment, he was done for the day. "I have to go to swim practice but your coming over today right?""

"Yes! It's your parents turn to cook. I hope you mom did her famous sponge cake, it's the best I've ever tasted!"

"She was doing it this morning when I was leaving" Jacob laughed hugging her goodbye before he slung his dance bag over his shoulders. Now at the age of twelve Jacob was growing at a steady pace, he was hoping to reach above 6ft 3 like his dad.

"Bye Jake" Eden grinned following him out the door, she had ballet technique class in ten minutes and still had to put on her pumps.


"Perfection! now do it five more times and better!" Madam instructed her french accent traveling through the room.

 Eden kept her face neutral as her body protested in strain, she was currently balancing on a balance board. The young prodigy was the only student able to do it so far and she was up against Abby's best. 

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