Blame it on the new girl ep.11

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A/n Hello! I'm back! I took time off after a family member passed away. I can't promise weekly posts but this story will continue! I've made this chapter extra long for being away for so long. 

I hope you enjoy! :)


"Girls, moms, as you all should be aware, I've brought in a new dancer this week," Abby declared, gesturing grandly toward the latest addition to the team, Fallon, decked out in ALDC gear.

"Fallon, say hello to the girls."

Excitement radiated from the new dancer as she eagerly waved at her new teammates. Fallon couldn't wait to prove herself to Abby and secure a spot in the Abby Lee Dance Company elite team. She couldn't wait to meet Eden-Rose, the star performer of the ALDC.

"Meet her mother, Cheryl. They're from Orlando, Florida," Abby explained, aware that the moms were hungry for details about the new dance mom.

"Could you share a bit about yourself?"

"I've won four titles, and first overalls for most of them" Fallon confidently replied, standing tall under the scrutinizing gazes directed her way.

"Good, very good" Abby nodded,  satisfied with the accomplishments of her new recruit. Expectations were high for Fallon, with Abby setting standards that would challenge even most adults.

"Now, before we delve into the pyramid or this week's competition, I believe this team is missing a couple of members," Abby announced, leaving the room filled with puzzled looks. Were more dancers going to be added to the team? 

Before anyone could voice their confusion, the studio door creaked open. Jacob's face appeared first, closely followed by a blushing Eden holding her new prized possession, an Oscar, with one hand and tightly clutching Jacob's with the other.

A wave of excitement erupted as the girls rushed to envelop Eden in a warm, collective hug. It felt like an eternity since they had last seen her, and the joy of their reunion filled the room with an electric energy. 

Nia reached her first, her smile radiating with genuine happiness, swiftly followed by the equally ecstatic Maddie. As Eden was embraced by her teammates, the room filled with a blend of questions, joyful squeals and congratulatory cheers. It was a stark contrast to the atmosphere she had left behind.

"Your back!!" Mackenzie exclaimed, her voice bubbling with excitement as she shook Eden's shoulders. This was, without a doubt, the coolest thing that had ever happened to a member of their dance team, and Mackenzie couldn't contain her joy.

"Oh, Jacob's back too!" Kendall gasped quietly as she stepped forward in line to hug Eden. She couldn't help but blush as she averted her gaze to her newfound crush, she wasn't the only one who was captured by his good looks.

"Congratulations on your achievement! You were deeply missed, Eden!" Holly exclaimed, pulling her second daughter into a tight embrace. Her pride for Eden, who never failed to include Nia in any plans she made, was palpable in her words and gestures.

"Eden, darling, welcome back!" Abby's voice cut through the air, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of admiration and pride. The other dancers echoed the sentiment, their newfound admiration for Eden was evident in their echoing praise. It was clear that her absence had left a void that no new members could fill, no matter how much certain moms refuted this claim.

Giggling Eden delicately presented her gleaming Oscar statuette to Abby. "Behold, Oscar," she announced dramatically, her eyes sparkling with excitement. The golden trophy gleamed in the studio lights, casting a glow as Abby reached out to accept it, her expression a mixture of awe and admiration. The mothers and girls gathered around, their faces alight with curiosity and wonder as they took in the prestigious award that took years for the best actors and actresses to earn. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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